Your Head Hears But Your Heart Listens

Listen with your heart and learn what is right for you and what is not

Listening heart Image by press 👍 and ⭐ from Pixabay 

There is a large difference between hearing and listening. 

Hearing is defined in the Mirriam-Webster dictionary as the process, function, or power of perceiving sound.

Listening is defined in the Mirriam-Webster dictionary as hearing something with thoughtful attention: give consideration.

When new to the AA Program, I was accustomed to hearing but, when it came to learning something new and important such as how to work the program successfully, I did not know how to listen.

This went back to my early days in school when I would be preparing for a test or exam. I would study by cramming as much info into my head as I could, usually the night before. 

Then, after taking the exam, most of my newfound “knowledge” disappeared quickly. Maybe to never return. This was head learning or hearing.

When I was sick and tired of being sick and tired, I knew that I had to change almost everything. This included how I gathered information on how to properly work my program.

Only the 1st half of the 1st Step even mentions alcohol. ALL of the rest are about our thinking.

I began studying and learning the Program with my heart and not my head. This meant that I began by using the shortened version of the 3rd Step. This is to simply say “God, help me.” Then getting out of His way and letting Him.

I knew that I was now listening and not just hearing because I could actually SENSE and FEEL the Program working in and through me.

How did I work the Program? I just followed the suggestions that I received from my sponsors. From reading the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. And from paying attention to and heeding other members of AA who had found a way out of their own abysses. 

The simplest way to describe this is just doing the next right thing. How do I know if it is right? If I ask my Higher Power for help, I get it. Then, the next thing will be right. Simple, but not always easy.

This means that, after asking the Higher Power for help, if it FEELS right, it IS right. If there is any apprehension at all, I should step back and reassess. This is Listening and Heart Learning simplified. Thank you, God!

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