so don’t even try. With gratitude, you will be wealthy, no matter what your bank account says!
![Thank you, God](*22akk1OCddQDKD9wls7u1Q.jpeg)
I discovered a long time ago that, when I am counting my blessings, I don’t have time to complain. When I was new to the program, I didn’t know if I had anything to be grateful for or not and when I would mention a problem someone would probably say “This too will pass”.
When I heard this, I only wanted to pass my five knuckles across their lips. “If you had my problems, you would be upset too and want to drink!” “I don’t have anything to be grateful for!” “My life is a mess — everyone hates me and what does this leave to be grateful for?”
I was advised by wiser heads than mine that, when I couldn’t think of anything to be grateful for, to simply reach down and take my pulse or breathe into a mirror to see if it still steams.
Then, When I had done this, I was then advised to say “Thank you, God” and move on. So I did and life started getting better for me by the numbers. To this day, I still pepper my day with “Thank you, Gods” and reap the rewards.
I may be driving and a car is coming toward me. For some reason, it begins to crowd the center line, seemingly ready to cross. Then it straightens up and nothing happened. I say “Thank you, God.”
I may be walking and slightly start to stumble over an obstruction but straighten up and continue without falling. I say “Thank you, God.”
I may be pulling into a crowded parking lot at the grocery store and am tired. I look in the lot nearest the store and see an empty space just waiting for me. I pull into it and say “Thank you, God.”
I may be working in the St. Andrews Soup Kitchen and a couple of the patrons begin an argument. I step between them and remind them that I still make the best coffee on the East Side and they laugh and come over and get another cup. I say “Thank you, God.”
I do not have to look for blessings anymore. Since I began looking for them and thanking God for creating them, blessings seem to be chasing me around yelling “Take me, take me!”
Today, I have people around me that not only love me, but like me, and there is a difference. A value could not be placed on the blessings that I reap today because of following these few simple steps.
AA has provided so many useful suggestions for me that are just like a roadmap for living. From starting out my program with many “God Help Me’s” to living today with even more “God, Thank You’s” I have discovered that my life has been and still is truly blessed.
In fact, I am too blessed to be stressed. I can’t nor do I even wish to work your program for you, but this is how I have become truly Happy, Joyous, and Free. I invite you to take whatever you wish from this and use it.
If you do, I will say “Thank you, God!”
This has given me a life that I never, in my wildest dreams, thought would ever happen to me. You know my story so if it has happened to me, it can and will for you. Just say “God, help me.” Then let Him!
What do you have to lose other than a good case of depression, woe, and misery with a host of Poor Me’s thrown in? Thank you, God!
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