
You Can’t Be Just a Little Alcoholic Any More Than Just a Little Pregnant 

Photo by Pelayo Arbués on Unsplash

Either you are or you aren’t. Simple as that!

What did you think when you first discovered you or someone close just found out that she was pregnant? “Oh, I wonder how pregnant she is!” “Maybe we could put it off for another year while we fixed the house up.”

Nope! She either is pregnant and will have a baby unless illness, injury, or other outer means change this. If she is pregnant, it is not measured in degrees of how pregnant. 

You may ask “How long have you been pregnant?” but not “How pregnant are you?” 

Nope! Being an alcoholic is no different. You either are an alcoholic or you’re not. “Oh, I wonder how alcoholic he is.” “Maybe he could put it off until he turns 70 and retires.” Birthdays, education, religions, and pills do not change this.

A non-alcoholic doesn’t even wonder if he is an alcoholic or not because he doesn’t even think about it. A non-alcoholic, after drinking one drink, can stop any time that he wishes. And stay stopped.

An alcoholic can not guarantee his actions after taking one drink. He may only have one or he may not be able to stop. And drink himself into oblivion. 

Either way, there are no degrees in being an alcoholic. You either are or you aren’t. She either is or isn’t pregnant. It’s as plain and simple as that. 

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