AKA Mirror of Life
Here we go again, the Law of Attraction — What you put into life you get back exactly as when putting your image into a mirror. I call this the Mirror of Life.
An old Scottish Proverb goes “You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.” And you can’t create a beautiful new year from the negative thoughts you bring with you from the past year.
This is an example of how important the 12 Steps of the AA Program are. In this case Steps 4, 5, and 10.
Do you think a garbage truck that sits out overnight from New Year’s Eve into the New Year will smell any better the next morning? The driver must dump it and move on with his route or his load will only become riper.
The same is true for us and our stinking thinking. We have our negative thoughts in the truck of our minds and must dump them and move on with our route.
Abraham Hicks says: ”Every thought is a vibration, and the Law of Attraction is responding to every thought. Therefore all thought is going to increase. The only question is: Is this thought one you want to increase?”
Our negative, judgmental thoughts only serve to keep us uneasy, to say the least, and lead us to get drunk to say the most.
“OK, so I have some negativity in my life but isn’t that just life?” NO, it is not “just life” and does not have to be for you or me either. That is where we bring the rest of the 12 Steps into our day-to-day living.
This is not a program to work just when it feels comfortable. It is not a cafeteria or buffet for us to pick and choose just what we want and leave the rest.
This amazing program was put together to give you a WAY OF LIFE that you never even dreamed of before entering this Program. A Way of Life is not something that is done on a whim. It is constant or it is not a Way of Life.
It is then only a whim of life that I want no part of. This is why I try to work my program to the best of my ability 24/7/365. Is it easy? No! Is it simple? Yes. Is it rewarding? Absolutely!
How simple is it? I just follow the 12 suggested Steps to the best of my ability during every waking moment and don’t try to figure it out or analyze it. “Utilize don’t analyze” is more than a saying. It is also a way of life.
A way of life that makes me comfortable. Can you do it too? Of course you can. Does it take work? Of course it does at first but what do you have to lose to try it?
I’ll tell you some of what you’ll lose. You’ll lose anger, shame, frustration, fear, guilt, remorse, and more. If it is bad, you can lose it by working this simple program for very complicated folks.
Some may say “But I tried it and really worked it and I still feel this way!” Everyone does not get this program as quickly or deeply as others but there is still a way out of the misery.
If you took longer to get into the program, it can only be a stumbling block, and not anything to feel guilty about. There are many in the program that did not get the program the first time that they tried it.
Many of them are now working better programs than others with decades of time in the program. I have seen and heard some who have considerable dry time that are working a program that I would not wish on anyone.
So don’t be too impressed by someone, just because of how long they say they have been working the program or how much of the Big Book they have memorized, or the nice platitudes they say in meetings.
Find the ones that don’t brag and tell you how to work your program. Find the ones that show that they are Happy, Joyous, and Free at all times.
Problems may come up in their lives but they deal with them and then move on with their lives, smiling most of the way. I know who I want to emulate, what about you?
It all comes back to the Law of Attraction or Vibration. You get back exactly what you put into your Mirror of Life. The return may not be from the person that you did the deed for but it will return to you.
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