
Why Didn’t it work? It always has!

Do you find that your same old problem-solving tools no longer work?

Problem solver
Problem Solver Photo by Karla Hernandez on Unsplash

We can’t solve problems by using the same thinking we used when we created them. Albert Einstein


Back, “in the day,” when I was in the madness of active alcoholism, I must have been one of the most intelligent people around. Why do I think this? Because I had ALL of the answers to EVERYTHING! 

World peace.




Drug and alcohol addiction.


Domestic violence.

The list is endless.


I was overloaded with information as I was beginning to achieve sobriety. Not only just stopping drinking but also gaining real sobriety. 

You may wonder what the difference between not drinking and sobriety is. Not drinking means exactly what it says. Simply not ingesting any mind-altering substances. 

Sobriety is changing your entire life in order to be happy, joyous, and free. The beginning, of course, is to stop drinking. And then it is a learning work in progress. 

The more that I learned about real life the more that I realized that I didn’t know.

Several years ago, when one of my grandsons was about 6 years or so old, we were in our backyard playing. He asked me a question and I didn’t have the answer at the time. And I had been working on my honesty in the AA Program.

What came out of my mouth before I could check it was “I don’t know but let’s find out.” I immediately had a peace come over me that I had not had before. “I don’t know” was not something that I would ever allow myself to even think about. 

When I worked it out along with my grandson, I had the time of my life. This is not a big deal to probably the majority of our population. But it was a major step forward for me. I was probably in my 60s at the time and finally had the peace and serenity that I had been seeking for so long.

Just by saying “I don’t know. Let’s find out,” a whole new phase in my life. opened. 


AA introduced me to the study of spirituality. I learned that I was powerless over people, places, and things. Especially after drinking alcohol. (Step 1)

AA showed me that there is a Higher Power that is ready, able, and willing to share His guidance and wisdom with me if only I ask Him for it. I have seen this Higher Power, who I now choose to call God, working through others and I believe that He works through me, too. (Step 2)

Since I learned in Step 1 that I couldn’t. And in Step 2 that He could. I think I’ll let Him, which is Step 3.


This is a very simple program for complicated folks. As long as I look for the simple answer, I discover that it is the right answer as long as I simply continually do the next right thing.

How do I know if it is the right thing? As long as I work the program to the best of my ability, leaving the worry of perfection out of it, if it FEELS right it IS right! If there is any apprehension at all, I should reconsider. 

If I am at a crossroads and don’t know which one to take, I just say the shortened version of The Serenity Prayer. “God, help me.” Then get out of his way and let Him! Thank you, God!

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