Whether You Think That You Can Or That You Can’t

you are usually right

You are right Image by Edward Lich from Pixabay

What is the strongest part of yourself?

Arms? Wrong. Legs? Wrong. Thoughts? Bingo! You are the winner!

The study of Spirituality shows us that our thoughts have the power of a tornado. 🌪 ️Absolutely nothing is done that does not begin with a thought. This includes our feelings about other people, places, and things.

The Serenity Prayer reminds us to know the difference between what we can change and what we cannot. We further learn that the only thing that we can change is ourselves.

Henry Ford had it right when he said “Whether you think that you can or that you can’t, you are usually right.” 🚗

And we all know what a genius he was.

Miraculous things happen when something drastic is needed to help someone or even save a life.

When we use CBA, we know that whatever we CONCEIVE, and then BELIEVE, we can ACHIEVE. This is true when we apply it to ourselves. But we can not change or alter another, as The Serenity Prayer has advised us.

This also applies to our emotions and feelings about others. Remember, we are not responsible for the 1st thought that pops into our minds. What we do with this thought is what we should take seriously.

It all comes down to choices. What do we CHOOSE to do with this thought or emotion? If it involves us, we can CHOOSE to either do something about it or not.

If doesn’t involve us, we should CHOOSE to not try to change a thing but know that the right thing will happen. No matter what the “right thing” is and how much OUR thoughts on the matter are ‘right’ and their thoughts are ‘wrong,’ it will be right.

We are here to love others, not judge and manage others. So simple but we make it so difficult. It is not difficult but we CHOOSE to make it so.

I decided that I wanted to be Happy, Joyous, and Free and help others to be the same. Thus I must uncomplicate my own life by letting others do whatever they wish without my insistence that I am right and they are wrong.

With our thoughts, we have tremendous, total power and ability to change ourselves to be as good as we really wish. We also have tremendous, total power to change ourselves to be as overbearing, wicked, evil, and obnoxious as we really wish.

When we choose the latter, we see misery all around and want to make others as miserable as we are. It all comes down to choice, doesn’t it? Do you CHOOSE to be Happy, Joyous, and Free or do you CHOOSE misery?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

So, the choice is yours. This means that you can choose to do the next right thing and then follow it up by doing it.

Henry Ford said it and God made it possible.

See how simple it is? Now practice it and it will also become easy. Thank you, God!

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