What Do Your Thoughts Do, If Anything, About Anger

Photo by Arina Krasnikova via Pexels

What was, and upon occasion still is, my first response to being startled, surprised, or in any way taken out of my immediate comfort zone? Anger!

Sometimes, it may be just the simple act of being asked something and not immediately able to have the answer. In any list that AA puts forth as Character Defects, anger is right there, big, bad, and bold.

Digging deeper into it, the Big Book puts the word Fear in parentheses immediately after the individual character defects when discussing making an inventory.

A Punishing God
Photo by Clive Kim: https://www.pexels.com/photo/volcano-erupting-at-night-under-starry-sky-4220967/

When new into the AA program, I was introduced to the Spiritual Way of Life. I was told and shown right away and repeatedly that I was to get rid of any thought of my Higher Power as a judgemental power.

A God with human tendencies sitting “on high” telling me that I was going to be punished and sent to Hell. I was to call this Higher Power anything that I wished. Just to call on It frequently.

This Higher Power was inside my heart, not up in the sky somewhere. Being so low when I entered, the only way to go was out or up. Since I had failed in several suicide attempts, out was not an option anymore.

How do I go up? My sponsors told me to Fake it till I make it and Let Go and Let God. It worked! Not always easy but always simple. How do I do this? Read, study and finally understand the 3rd step.

If you are apprehensive about it, Fake it until you make it. Pretty soon, if you were working on really doing this in all your affairs, understanding and then relief comes in loud and bold.

The instant that anger begins to flare in you, use the shortened version of the 3rd Step. Just say “God, help me.” Then step back and let him. Don’t try to instruct Him on how to help you.

Just know that, if you are working your program to the best of your ability, the right thing will occur. This doesn’t always mean that you will like the results, but they will be right.

Only then could you truly turn your will and your life over to your Higher Power and live a life that is Happy, Joyous, and Free! Whenever you are feeling out of sorts, renewing the 3rd step gives a bad feeling a poof pill.

When I began using the shortened version of the 3rd Step, “God, help me,” it seemed like I was saying it all the time. I probably was. But, the happiness, joy, and freedom that it brought were worth the effort.

My flares and fits of anger actually receded at first and now rarely arise.

It can be for you too if you just use the shortened version of the 3rd Step and Let go and let God. See? Simple but not always easy. But it gets easier every time you use it.

And this is all because you changed your thinking. When you change your thinking, you start a chain reaction with your life becoming better. So, Change your thinking — change your life. Thank you, God!

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