The Law of Attraction and Achieving Peace, Comfort, and Serenity

or gloom, doom, and despair.

Photo by Christopher Sardegna on Unsplash

So, we’ll start out with a question. Which do you choose?

That’s right. You have choices in life. Do you choose to be happy, joyous, and free or do you choose to be miserable? When I was in the madness of active alcoholism, I had no choices. I took a drink and the drink took me.

If you are an alcoholic or addict and did not drink or drug today, you now have choices.

Now, when faced with the buffet of life, which do you choose in order to have peace of mind, maybe for the first time in your life?

Let’s look at what we have now to work with. Remember, this is a simple program for complicated folks so let’s keep it simple.

We begin by working with the Law of Attraction. A component of this law is the Law of Vibration.

The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe, down to the tiniest atom, is in a constant state of movement. This constant motion is what causes attraction.

The Law of Attraction states that whatever you focus your energy on will come back to you. Just like your own personal Mirror of Life.

Look at this just like the bathroom mirror that you may peer into often. If you have a mark or flaw on your face, you will see the mark or flaw in your image in your mirror.

If you are happy and smiling, you will see a happy smile in your return image from your mirror.

You get back exactly what you put into your mirror of life.

This means that you do have some control over your tomorrows. By focusing on what you want to achieve, the law states that you’ll emit positive energy to attract those achievements to you.

When you continually choose to do the next right thing, to the best of your ability, your nows will be ideal. This means that your yesterdays will not leave you with guilt and shame. You also will not dread your tomorrows.

This is exactly how to remove fears from your life.

Choices Photo by Mark König on Unsplash

If you did not drink or drug today, you have choices. Please choose wisely, and you will have happiness, joy, and freedom! Thank you, God!

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