Spirituality and What’s in it for me?

This is the question that many ask about practically everything, and in most cases for good reason. Where are you right now in your quest to be Happy, Joyous, and Free? Whether I am in the depths of despair or heights of glee, I have discovered that by living my life while choosing to be as close to the Spirituality that was part of my inborn makeup as I can , I am very comfortable. When I deviate, all bets are off the table. Then is when I have to hang on because it rapidly becomes a very rough ride through life.

We learn that we are Spiritual Beings living in a Spiritual Universe that is governed by Spiritual Law and one with all that exists. Just what does this mean? It means that I was created into this Spiritual existence and so will never be more or less Spiritual than I am right now. Our being in the human condition is just one portion of our existence. We just either don’t know or seem to forget this.

God also gave us free will and here is where much, if not all, of our and the world’s problems come from. So, if I work my Spiritual program, in my case meaning AA, 24/7/365, the answer to today’s question is EVERYTHING! My physical, mental, emotional life is all centered around my Spiritual practices. When my practices are less, I feel something is missing. When my practices are more, I feel complete.  Non always easy but it is simple as that!

Now, go make it a GREAT day!