Spirituality and What to call your Higher Power, God?

Since another name for Higher Power, God, Allah, Buddha, or whatever this Power is called, is love, I very much appreciated a line that Reverend Stephanie Sorensen used lately when beginning her talk. It went “When we love not, we judge. When we judge not, we love.” Wow! The last few weeks I have been thinking about how my very thoughts of God have changed completely since being introduced to Spirituality by the AA Program. My idea of God was that he was a male with long hair and a beard sitting on his Golden Throne judging and punishing me and all around me.

As you that have known me for a while now know, my definition of God has changed 180 degrees into one who loves and wants only my best interests to occur, even when I don’t always understand how something could be in my best interests when it happens such as death or serious illness.

I finally was convinced that my God was not “up there someplace.” He is actually in my own heart and gut, I thought that, since it was working so well for all of you, why not try it. I combined my newfound learning with some old fashioned “fake it till you make it” thinking and was rewarded almost instantly with the realization that I was not one that was judged and damned by God, but actually loved and helped whenever I asked without putting strings on my requests.

It didn’t take long for the craving for alcohol to leave. Others, who I had always assumed were a-holes, were actually pretty nice people in most cases. This taught me that, if I wanted to get and keep love, I had to give it away. So, give it away I did and am still reaping the rewards of sobriety and Spirituality in my everyday life.

Now to the question of what do I call my Higher Power? I call him God. The bottom line, though, is that there is only one God and even though there are and have been for millennia different names for this Power – God, Allah, Buddha, Lord, Jesus, the list is endless – all are Powers bigger than selves, no matter what It is called. We are all Spiritual Beings living in a Spiritual Universe that is governed by Spiritual Law and one with all that exists. Since we are Spiritual Beings, we are never more or less Spiritual. We just are!

Rather than getting bogged down with what to call this Power, why not just acknowledge Its existence and use It? It couldn’t be any simpler. Not easy, after so long believing so differently, but simple! I have and am truly enjoying my life at all times. Just the fact that I have life is a miracle that I could not have done by myself, no matter how powerful I ever believed that I was. I am not joyful with all that exists around me but I am free from the addiction to alcohol and other mind-altering substances and so can properly think my way into dealing with snags as they appear. How? By using the shortened version of the 3rd Step on a regular basis, for good and bad.

A simple “God help me” does wonders for discovering what to do in a difficult situation. A simple “Thank you, God” also does wonders in continuing my thinking in this positive light.