Spirituality and What does sobriety mean to me and How to get it

I have a very short but accurate answer to the first part of this topic. EVERYTHING! I was physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually bankrupt when I came into the AA Program. But by being willing to go to ANY lengths to get the program and finally really working it to the best of my ability in ALL of my affairs, I discovered that I was becoming an entirely different person. One who loved, was loved, cared, interested in so much, and not hurting a soul. And, as time went on, this was only the beginning.

EVERYTHING that I have today I owe to the program of AA, including breathing in followed by breathing out. I have children that no longer fear me. They actually love me openly. A wife that has never seen me drink and who has given me a family life that I never had even as a child. A clear mind that seems to have the right answer to most problems, no matter how complicated. If I wake up in the middle of the night it is to go to the bathroom, not because I am bothered by anything. I text our children, grandchildren and some friends and other relatives to let them know that they are being thought of once a week. I actually get responses from most of them. On the rare occasion that I am late sending the weekly text, some even contact me to see if all is well. WOW!

My sobriety means everything to me. Without it, I am the same person I was when entering the program, a walking dead man. I am now alive in so many ways. As long as I continue working my program to the best of my ability, I intend on staying that way. How did I get my sobriety and how do I plan on keeping it? By working my program to the best of my ability, not only during meetings but also in my everyday affairs 24/7/365.

I have seen many come into the Program and start out doing well so naturally they feel better. Then they become complacent and then cut back on taking care of their basic Program affairs. They then either go back out drinking and/or drugging or else stay not drinking and become miserable. We call this SAM, Sober and Miserable. They may speak very eloquently during the meetings and sound like they are a walking, talking Big Book. They then leave the room and go right back to the type of thinking that got them to AA in the first place. The men continue chasing skirts, forgetting that beneath a skirt is a slip.

They may go to an old haunt because “They make the best food in town” and only have a diet Coke. This makes a contest of ones program. In any contest, there is a winner and a loser. The sides sometimes flip and the winner may lose. If you lose the drinking “contest,” sobriety is gone. A really sad part of this is that they were wondering what happened. “After all, don’t I have the 12 Steps memorized and don’t I speak well and often at meetings?”

I have discovered that it is not how well I work or speak the Program at meetings or AA functions, it is how I spend the other 23 hours of the day. I try to work my program 24/7/365. This makes it much simpler and easier to correct if I start feeling out of sorts. Then the answer is very simple. Immediately go back and take the shortened version of the 3rd Step by saying “God, help me!” AND HE DOES! It hasn’t failed me for 45 years now. since it works, I am not going to try to fix it.

The greatest thing that I was able to take from this amazing Program right from the start was that AA introduced me to my Higher Power, who I now call God. He was always there but, having had no religious training worth mentioning, I didn’t know this. Because of my aversion to religion, I listened intently to sponsors explaining that this was not a religious program but was deeply Spiritual. I got comfortable with this very quickly.

To disagree with a popular phrase, God is not my copilot. God is my pilot! As long as I remember this and don’t try to take the controls, I will be able to continue to meet with you and others like you and, most assuredly, I will continue being too blessed to be stressed. The beauty of it all is that you, too, can choose to be too blessed to be stressed. If you didn’t drink or drug today, you can choose anything. Now, go and choose to make it a great day!