is the simplest way to live a life of happiness, joy, and freedom.
Step 3 states: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
When I was new to the Program of AA and would feel again the ups and downs that life continues to throw at us, I asked my sponsors what was wrong and how can I make it right.
Each and every one of them (there were about 6) would immediately tell me to figure out where I was not working the Program correctly. I soon discovered that I would never have to get past the 3rd Step.
Ihad turned my will and my life over to the care of God and, each and every time that I would get feeling out of sorts I would find that I had taken part of it back. I had probably thought “Oh, it is just a little thing. Who’s going to even know?”
“I am alone out of town so who is going to know if I only have one drink?” The answer to these and any other similar questions is I would know and my Higher Power would know.
I have yet to locate once in the Big Book or any other related AA literature where it says that, if it is a really tiny retrieval, it is ok. I now know that it is never ok to take any part of my life or will back once turning it over to my God.
Ididn’t even know how to turn my will and my life over when first approaching this step until my sponsors told me that it is not always easy to remember The Serenity Prayer, The 3rd Step Prayer, or any other pleas for help, especially when in a “white knuckle” situation.
They said that this is the perfect time to try the shortened version of the 3rd Step. Simply say “God, help me!” Guess what? It worked and still does to this day. I use it whenever I come to a fork in my roadway of life.
Because I am a Spiritual Being living in this human condition, I have many forks in my life’s road. That is just life, as we humans know it. As long as I ask for help, I GET IT!
There are these white-knuckle times when we wonder if we can hold on for another minute or second, let alone 24 hours. This is THE time to remember “God help me!”
It has worked for me EVERY TIME I HAVE USED IT for over 46 years when I remain humble enough to request it and not demand it. Today, I am truly Happy, Joyous, and Free, even with the stumbling blocks placed in my life’s path.
This does not mean that I am laughing each and every day, just that I am living well, not looking for a mind-altering substance to numb the pain or smooth the rough edges, surrounded by people who love me.
And for that, I am truly too blessed to be stressed.
In a recent talk, my spiritual advisor, Reverend Stephanie Sorensen, of the Flint Life Enrichment Center, said in the same vein “We get to choose how we “flow” with Life. Some of us choose to paddle against the current. Some of us seem to be up the creek without a paddle.
But if we’re ready to let go of what seems to create struggle in our life, if we’re ready to release whatever seems to keep us “stuck,” if we’re tired of saying “no” to our good through our focus on what we don’t like about our self and the world around us, we free our self to flow with Life with grace and ease.
There are so many blessings for us to say “Yes” to in every season of our life, so much for us to enjoy, appreciate and celebrate if we want to. And who doesn’t want to, even when we don’t?
When we’re flowing with grace and ease, when we’re not worrying about what might be, and instead we’re trusting the currents of life, unlimited blessings flow to us and through us.”
It all comes down to turning it over to our Higher Power and going with the flow. It works for me and can and will work for you if only you turn it over. ALL of it. Everything. Don’t worry, you will enjoy your life, even more, when you do. Thank you, God.
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