
Spirituality and Living in the Now

How much can we do to change what happened last week? Absolutely nothing! Just how much can we do about whatever tomorrow may or may not bring? Positively nothing!  How much can we do about what is happening to or around us right now? Anything that we choose!

We have heard before that we should live in the now but sometimes the baggage from the past and/or apprehension from the future clouds our minds. We actually live in a continuing series of nows. When the event of the past was happening, it was in the now. When the events of tomorrow unfold, they will be in the now.

Doesn’t this strongly suggest that, if we take care of our nows, the events of the past and future are not now events at all but memories and dreams. How many dreams have you been able to actually live in? How many memories have you been able to actually relive in? None, zilch, nada! Impossible!

So why not stop trying to do the impossible this very minute and work instead on doing the only thing that is actually possible – taking care of now’s business NOW! How do we do this? By working the program to the best of our abilities at all times, not just at meetings. An old commercial for a product that I no longer recall the name of used to say “Try it. You’ll like it!”