Spirituality and K.I.S.S.

When I first came into the AA Program, I saw many signs posted on the walls of the AA meeting rooms in the basements of old churches. When I saw these slogans and acronyms I thought “Oh, man. Just like a group of Boy Scouts with their slogans.” I quickly came to understand that they were a lot more than slogans posted on the walls. They, as well as Spirituality, were a whole new way of life for me if I accepted them.

Among the ones that caught my eye, and very soon my heart, was KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid. I very quickly learned that this really is a very simple program for very complicated folks. Not always easy, but simple. My sponsors told me early and often to ‘utilize, not analyze’ because I was trying very hard to learn all about the program and its principles and would stumble because I had trouble memorizing phrases, sentences, and even the 12 Steps. I was quickly and often reminded that my best thinking knocked me down so far that the only way out was working and living my AA Program.

I really needed these reminders, not too subtly given by the way. I got my BS from the streets long before I ever got one from college so I needed the Program broken down to the basics to really understand it and this led to finally FEELING the Program. This taught me that my best learning comes not from using my head but from using my heart. Today I still feel this way. This is because the Spiritual aspect, which I was introduced to by AA, shows me that we live in a vibrational universe and these vibes are felt not heard and recited by rote. As soon as I felt the good vibes of life flowing through me I wanted more, much more. These shivers came to be looked forward to occurring.

Does this make sense to my fellow alcoholics and addicts? If it does, hang on because it is an amazing ride of simplicity and Happiness, Joy, and Freedom. When faced with making a decision simply say the shortened version of the 3rd Step, “God help me,” and move on.

Today I know that if it feels right, it is! If there is any apprehension, I should step back and reassess before going forward. Why? Because I now not only know but FEEL right from wrong, good from bad. The beauty of this Spiritual Program is that, since I with all my baggage can, you can too. How? Just ‘do it and let it happen.’ When facing decisions, simply day the shortened version of the 3rd Step, “God help me.” This is how to approach every matter that might and will come up. “What do I do when…….?” If it feels right it is right, so just do it. If it doesn’t feel right, step back and reassess. In other words K.I.S.S.