Spirituality and I don’t like lemons so what can I do with this load of lemons that I got from Life?

When something happens that feels uncomfortable to many, they call it getting a lemon. I imagine that this is because lemons, although looking beautiful with their dimpled yellow skin, are sour and tart. If one buys lemons or picks them, each one will be sour and tart. Why would anyone ever buy something that tasted so repulsive? You and I probably would because we both know that it is very simple and easy to give them a slight boost that turns them into a sweet nectar called lemonade. All we must do is add a little sugar or sweetener and “Presto,” we have a refreshing, tasty beverage. Spirituality teaches us that, when we are given a lemon in life, we can sweeten it to at least a tolerable situation by simply looking at the truth in the situation. We can look at it through the words of The Serenity Prayer and if it is us that needs changing, we change. If it is anything else, we can not change it. The only thing that we can change about something outside ourselves is our thoughts and attitudes toward it. Here is another place where CBA can come into play in either situation, one we can change or one we can not. If it is one that we can change, we first Conceive the results of this change. We see in our mind’s eye the result that we wish and believe that we are truly entitled to. We then do our due diligence by mentally researching our minds to ascertain if this is the right feeling or response to have. To do this, we consider all of the known facts and then, since we have been working our program to the best of our abilities, if it feels right we Believe that this is the right move. With the confidence that this will bring, all that is left is to Just Do It! Then, if all of the preparations were done, there is only one thing left to do. We will Achieve the planned results. CBA can also be used with our attitude toward someone or something else that it is believed should change. We Conceive that there is something amiss with the other entity. We Believe that we can not change the situation with another. We then go on with either stepping aside or offering assistance, not demanding that our assistance be utilized. When we do this, we can continue being Happy, Joyous, and Free with the results, even if we disagree with them – Happy that the situation did not drive us to take the drink, Joyous that we responded with a sober, open mind, and Free of feeling that we should use a mind-altering substance to make a decision like we formerly would have. If I am awake at night it is not because of a decision that I had made that even may have harmed another. It is usually because of noise or some other discomfort. In other words, when I am working my program to the best of my ability, I am Too Blessed To Be Stressed!