Spirituality and How To Work Steps 4&5 With No Fear

Are you ready to do your inventory with no fear? It’s about time that we discussed Steps 4 and 5. So many people in the program, both newer and older, avoid passing the 3rd Step. Many have been in the program for X number of weeks, months, and even years in some instances. Yet, they are perfectly happy with the first three steps. The sad thing is that Steps 1-3 are very important to beginning the program. But, the amazing results of working the AA Program do not appear if staying on the first 3. This is a 12 Step Program. To achieve the more complete Happiness, Joy, and Freedom that the Program offers, they all should be worked. 

Step 4 says: Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. “But I am feeling great. Why ruin it by dredging up the wicked, evil past?” Simple answer! Because we must bring the past into the daylight, Why? So that the poisons of the past can be removed. Then we can have no fear! And it is not just hidden for a while. We are only as sick as our secrets! So, if we do not bring them up to the forefront of our minds, they will remain as secrets. This means keep us sick. 

“OK, now I have these awful things up and written down. How do I get rid of them?” We go to the 5th Step. It states: Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. This means that we have to tell them to someone. Why? Because these are heavy loads to carry in our minds and souls. Why? If you lay a telephone pole down on the ground, you can not move it. It is so heavy. If we all chip in and help, we can move it anywhere we wish. My secrets are my telephone poles. By myself, I can do nothing. Only sweat and strain to deal with them. And, when I share them with another human being, they can be borne and put where they belong. Into the past. And with no fear!

I am not the same person that I was when in the madness! So, if things are put into the past, they no longer can affect me and weigh me down in the present. I’ve done this and this is another example of what I mean. Mean when I say that I am Too blessed to be stressed. I no longer am carrying the loads of guilt and remorse from yesterday. Instead, I am living in and with what is happening right now. today! With no fear! I can make my “right nows” as pleasant as I wish.This is a very simple program for very complicated folks. The blessing was the AA Program showing me that, when I deal with my past as in Steps 4 and 5, my stresses are non-existent. 

If a new stress appears I can always work Step 10. Then IMMEDIATELY get rid of it. To do this, I simply say the shortened version of the 3rd Step. “God, help me.” Then follow with the 10th Step. How much simpler could it be? The thing that makes it not so easy at times is our preconditioning. We keep it all inside. And not to just do the next right thing. Today, I am Happy, Joyous, and Free. This is all because of this amazing Program of AA. What is more beautiful is that you can and will be, too, if only you do as the old Nike commercial suggested. “JUST DO IT!” God bless you!

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