Spirituality and How to use it daily

To me, the most basic, easy to understand Law of Spirituality is the Law of Attraction. Like attracts like. What would you like to attract to you? This means that whatever I put into my life comes back to me. There is an old street expression “What goes around comes around!” If I put out distrust and aggression, I get distrust and aggression in return. Think of a mirror. When I look into a mirror with a frown or a scowl, that is just what I get back as an image. If I look into the mirror with a smile, I get a happy face in return as the image.

Physical laws, such as gravity, are undisputable. Laws of Spirituality are also. I am a spiritual being, living in a spiritual universe, that is governed by spiritual law. Just what does this mean to me and how can I learn to use it to grow spiritually? As a Divine Being, I am an individualized expression of God and one with all that exists. I don’t have all power, together we have all power; you, me and our Higher Power.

My presentations to the world are the same. If I wake up in the morning and stub my toe and say “This is going to be a lousy day,” it is sure to be a lousy day. If I stub my toe and say “Wish I hadn’t done that but this will be a great day,” there is a much better chance that it will be a good day. From there on, my interactions with all and everyone else are affected. Try it and see how much simpler it is to organize a day filled with Happiness, Joy, and Freedom.

So, how do I live my daily life using Spirituality on a daily basis, not just when in a meeting or going to church? Since I did not drink or drug today, I now have choices in my life. For me, I choose to just think of doing the next right thing. Whatever it is, if I seek it, it will come to mind. Then comes the action portion of all of this. As Nike says in its commercials, “Just do it!” Whodathunk that watching a Nike commercial would have me thinking spiritually? Just Do It! If it works for me, it surely can and will work for you!

No one else can make me glad or sad. This is an inside job. The Serenity Prayer advises us to have the wisdom to know the difference between what we can change and what we cannot change. What can I change? Only me! What can I not change? EVERYTHING ELSE! This takes the ups and downs of earthly life and puts control of how I feel and act about it right back into my own and God’s hands. That, my friends, is Power. Try it for a week and then get back with us and tell us what, if anything, happened. I really believe that you will be pleasantly surprised and I truly wish to hear back from you on how you fared. Now, go choose to make it a great day!