We have talked before about the We-ness or Oneness of the AA program. The AA program is not a solo project. We are not in this alone! We are all in this together! The Big Book and the 12 Steps all talk of WE not I. I could not get sober by myself. I was at my absolute bottom. As low as I could get physically, morally and emotionally bankrupt.
The 2nd paragraph of How it Works says “If you want what WE have and are willing to go to ANY LENGTHS to get it,” COD. Come On Down! I had tried everything and seemed to be falling deeper into the depths of despair. Maybe worse of all, not even knowing what was wrong. Only that something was horribly amiss. At this point, I was willing to go to any lengths and so dove into the program head first.
It didn’t take long while working the program with others that I came quickly to realize that the paraphrase of the first 3 Steps was absolutely true. 1, I can’t. 2, He can. 3, I think I’ll let Him. I began to feel the presence of a new Power coming through from the others who were working their program. And even from some who were not in the program. The Law of Divine Oneness says that everything in our Universe is interconnected. Every thought, action, choice, desire that I have will have an effect on all in the Universe. This includes the people in my life. It happens sometimes quickly and other times so slowly that we may not even see the results.
We have also talked about every thought is a prayer. This is where it comes from. Be careful what you even think because it will have an effect on someone else! We will learn more about this when we talk of the Law of Vibration. Just know that your sobriety is very important to not only you but to all around you.
The Law of Divine Oneness explains that we are all in this together, not only during the meetings, but also between the meetings. This may be where it is most important. Please don’t forget between the meetings where we do not have the constant reminders from others but still should continue working our program to the best of our abilities 24/7/365. What is the end result of all of this? How does being Happy, Joyous, and Free sound to you? It is ours for the taking if we only continue to be willing to go to any lengths. God bless you!
Please let us know what you think. We can be reached at Spiritualityandrecoveyr@gmail.com or 810-965-6140 usually within hours and many times instantly.
Please come join us at our AA Zoom meeting. It is every Monday through Friday, 3:00 PM EST, including holidays. Meeting ID is 6035280704. Password 399778. It is simple to locate the blogs and Facebook pages. Simply search #spiritualityandrecovery For the podcasts, just go to https://anchor.fm/james-b-boylan