Spirituality and how to show Gratitude and Appreciation

We have talked before about obtaining an attitude of gratitude. If all seems like there is nothing left in your tank, check your pulse or breathe into a mirror. These are two ways to show us that we are alive. All things start from here. If I am alive, so what? So what is that you now have the opportunity to either finally start feeling good about something or, if you are feeling great now, feeling even better! So much to have appreciation for! Without a pulse or breath, this is impossible.

You are responsible for how your day goes from here on. You never have to feel as bad as you do right now! Before entering this remarkable program I was, at most, tolerated by some and, on the other side of the coin, despised by others. Love, to me, was just another term for lust or feelings for a puppy. Today I am surrounded by love. People not only tell me that they love me, they show it. I have so many blessings anymore that it sometimes seems like they are chasing me around and tapping me on the shoulder just to remind me that they are there.

Now that I have them, how can I keep them? I show appreciation. How’s that for simplicity? One big change in me has been changing from the I don’t need no stinkin’ help from anyone to taking offered help and showing appreciation for it. Who am I to deprive someone else from the satisfaction of helping someone, in this case me, by stopping it before it starts or not at least acknowledging the assistance after the fact? This can be anything from someone holding open a door for me to standing up for me in a disagreement with someone.

It costs me nothing to say thank you or at least a smile and a nod. I have left the change from making a purchase at a drive thru window and told the clerk to buy the coffee for the next person that comes through and then drive away. In this case, I would not even know who the recipient was but it makes me feel so good that I could assist someone else who may be having a bad day. I don’t do it because I have so much money that I can throw it away. I do this because I appreciate all of the assistance that I have received myself, many times not even knowing where it came from.

The more gratitude that I have the more rewards that I get. Showing appreciation for any act or action, even if it is only a word that opens a door in my mind. That “aha” moment. Those moments are huge. Showing gratitude only insures that there will be more coming, much more. When you say something or do something that helps someone in any way you are being that person’s light. If we all become someone’s light, wouldn’t that make it a much brighter world?