
Spirituality and How To Pray Effectively With 2 Words

Words are powerful. Words are forceful. They are insightful. Words are meaningful. Words many times are outward expressions of our thoughts. Thoughts are the most powerful component of our minds. Many times when we pray, we just beg and wonder why it was not answered.

Does all of this mean that the more words said, the better? Absolutely not! A most vital component of our thoughts are our prayers and how to effective actually pray. Many times, when praying, we get caught up in the moment and, once started, seem to always think of “just one more thing” to add. In these sessions, we discuss and many times discover just what is prayer and how to do it most effectively. Emmet Fox said “every thought is a prayer.” Now, that is powerful! What if I think bad thoughts about someone? Right. That is a prayer! What if that thought is only fleeting? Right, again. Another prayer!

We have discussed before how an attitude of gratitude takes us safely through the rough waters of life. This, to me, would mean that it would be in my best interests to work on my gratitude. How do I do this? I pray the shortened version of the 3rd Step and merely say “God help me.” Then I step back and let Him.

This brings us to the topic of How to effectively pray in 2 words or less. To do this, a simple prayer of “Thank you” is ALL that it takes. If you wish to be more expansive, then “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you” would suffice. This says it ALL! This is a prime example of what is meant about this being a very simple program for very complicated folks. Couldn’t be much simpler. On the flip side, couldn’t be any more powerful, either! Now, JUST DO IT! God bless you!

Please let us know what you think. We can be reached at Spiritualityandrecovery@gmail.com or 810-965-6140 usually within hours and many times instantly.

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