Don’t you really want to be a better person or do need your defects
Step 6 says “Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.” Remember, we started to see our Higher Power as a loving, non-judgmental God in Step 2. One who was ready, willing, and able to help us have a better life.
By the time we get to Step 6, we should be seeing and feeling this very thing happening in our own lives. We have these defects but do not know what to do with them.
If we haven’t, yet, I would suggest going back to Step 3. And working on realizing just what having a Higher Power means in my life. And consciously working our programs each and every day to the best of our ability.
Are you ready to change your life from misery to Happiness, Joy, and Freedom from the bondage of all mind-altering substances? If you are ready to change, then Step 6 says “follow me!”
This Step calls for us to be ENTIRELY READY! Not just “I think I’ve had enough so I’ll try this.” After asking for my Higher Power’s help with this Step, I commit to changing my life and am willing to go to any lengths to do it.
This Step is simple enough, just made more difficult by my trying to do it with my own interpretation of how it should be done.
Asking for help can also entail talking with our sponsors for guidance. If we do, we will discover that our Higher Power will also work through the sponsor.
All that Step 6 says is that we are ready. It does not call for any deep thought or research. Are you ENTIRELY READY? If so, then we can move on to Step 7.
If not, go on back out and we will gladly refund your misery. I take a hard line with my Program, but not with myself. This Program and you folks gave me a real conscience. Not just the “I’m sorry for the ills of the world” conscience that I had when coming into the program.
This way, I don’t have to continuously tell any and all just how terrible it was for me “back in the day” and that I know that I am only one drink away from going back into the pit of despair and keep repeating it ad nauseum.
I can live my life Happy, Joyous, and Free of the bondage of myself and other outside influences.
This does not mean that I am giddy at a funeral or while visiting a sick or troubled or injured friend. I am just happy to know that I am doing the “next right thing” in all of my affairs.
Don’t be afraid of living. Be happy with the fact that you can now truly live and enjoy life.
If you didn’t drink or drug today, you now have choices. Wouldn’t it be nicer if you chose to suck on a straw in an ice cream soda rather than the barrel of a pistol?
Do you choose to be miserable or do you choose to be Happy, Joyous, and Free? The choice is yours and nobody else’s. Choose wisely! Thank you, God!
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