Spirituality and How To Obtain Inspiration

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Webster defines inspiration as: a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation, the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions, or the act of influencing or suggesting opinions. 

I have been blessed to have received inspiration from sources too numerous to count. 

This has allowed me to accomplish so much in my short life while in this human experience and choose to follow these inspirations wherever they may lead. 

Since becoming sober I have been introduced to spirituality and, after faking it till I was making it and loving the results, I wanted what every addict wants from something that makes him feel better — much more! 

I have probably read everything that Emmet Fox has written, both in books and essays. From there I moved to Ernest Holmes and his Science of Mind. 

From there I met my present Spiritual Advisor, Reverend Stephanie Sorensen, who embodies all that spirituality and New Thought has and then some. 

I have learned that I can get inspiration from anything, anywhere, anytime. Walking Oreo in the mornings, I hear the birds singing away with their songs of spring’

This led to thinking about some of the other inspirational music I have heard, from Travis Tritt’s It’s a Great Day to be Alive to the Edwin Hawkins Singers Oh Happy Day! 

These last two are played almost every day on my Echo Dot when preparing these remarks. I also get inspiration from listening to you when you discuss the ups and downs in your lives during our daily Zoom AA meetings. 

I get inspiration from everything and everyone around me, either to make myself better or to try to learn tolerance. 

One of the things I have learned from studying spirituality is that I am a spiritual being, living in a spiritual universe that is governed by spiritual law. 

As a Divine being, that means that I am an individualized expression of God and one with all that exists. 

So, to gain inspiration on what may be a “blah day,” what do we do? I revert back to our old standby, simply saying “God, help me,” and then allowing Him to do so.

That means that the first two words of The Lord’s Prayer, Our Father, mean exactly what it says so if He is Our Father, that makes us very much related and is in itself so inspiring. 

I don’t profess to know everything about this subject, there is so much more that I am trying to learn. What I do say is please keep sharing with me so that I can continue to learn and grow. 

For this inspiration that you give me by just being near I am eternally grateful and thus continuing to be inspired. 

You too can join in the excitement by just REALLY WORKING YOUR PROGRAM 24/7/365. What could be simpler? Not always easy but so very much worth it in genuine peace of mind.

Thank you, God!

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Please join us at our AA Zoom meeting. It is every Monday through Friday, 3:00 PM EST, including holidays. The Meeting ID is 6035280704. Password 399778.

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