
Spirituality and How To Obtain and Maintain Belief

In the Bible Book of Matthew 21 it says “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Isn’t this a beautiful thought? This is the forerunner of “Fake it till you make it.” This sayings is one of the best pieces of advice that I ever received from my original AA sponsors. This says that belief is very important to living a life of Happiness, Joy, and Freedom.

The mind is probably our most powerful instrument. It uses heavily the Spiritual Law of Attraction. This law is that like attracts like. You will attract into your life what you focus on. Think of a mirror. It reflects only the image that is put into it. Put faith and belief into the mirror of your life. Then EXPECT faith and belief in return.

This brings us back to Conceive. Believe. Achieve. Your fertile mind will Conceive an idea. Follow this with the shortened version of the 3rd Step. Just say “God help me.” (Then let Him, of course) Then Believe it will happen. As soon as you do, you WILL Achieve it. Simple but not always easy. Recall seeing world class athletes before an Olympic race over the hurdles. As they stand at the starting line they face down track and we can see their head bobbing as they visualize themselves racing and gliding easily over the hurdles. Eventually to crossing the finish line.

These uneasy times are a great time to work on strengthening our minds. Strengthen to think positively and trust in the results. Like life itself, this is very simple. But not always easy. Think more of the simplicity of things. Then watch them become easier to attain positive results. This is belief or faith. Another positive to come out of this type of thinking is that fear disappears. How, you may ask? Because the opposite of fear is not courage. Or bravery. Or ‘guts. The opposite of fear is FAITH or BELIEF. Genuinely take the 3rd Step and turn your will and life over to the care of God as you understand Him. Then you KNOW that the next thing is right. This means there is NOTHNG TO FEAR at all. God bless you all!

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