When I was in the madness, I don’t believe that this was one of my thoughts. Why, you may wonder? Because any time that I had time off, or on for that matter, I drank and let the chips fall wherever they may. My plans were very short lived and rarely accomplished because they always fell short of the planned outcome. Much of my time was spent in futile regret and remorse for things done before. Much of the rest of the time was spent anguishing and agonizing over what tomorrow would bring because of what I had done today or yesterday. This, of course, only led to even more dread or anguish. This, then, only led to more drinking to try to erase all of these futile thoughts.
Does this sound familiar to you? If it does, worry no more! True relief is on its way! And it will arrive just as soon as you let it! I mean really let it. How can you really let it? The answer, as simple as it it, may not be as easy. Why? Because isn’t this the way you have been for as long as you remember? If so, just know in your heart of hearts that, if you did not drink or drug today, you now have real choices. Maybe for the very first time in your remembered life.
Let’s get ABC simple with this! Right NOW is the ONLY time that you have. NOW is the only time that you have all of your five senses working. You can not originally smell yesterday’s skunk or coffee. You can not taste tomorrow’s sandwich. You can not feel or touch a friend who is to visit tomorrow. You can not hear yesterday’s or tomorrow’s bird song. You can not see your baby take it’s first step again.
So, how do we put this all to good use? When you awaken, make your first prayer the shortened version of the 3rd Step. Simply say “God help me.” Then do the next right thing. If you did not drink or drug today and you are working your program to the best of your ability, if it feels right it IS right. If something makes you pause, reconsider. Step back until it feels right it then will be right. If it doesn’t, maybe try something else. Remember, the Only time that you can possible do this is in the NOW.
How do you work your program to the best of your ability 24/7/365? This is not complicated at all. Just continue asking for help and doing the next right thing. Then, when the next right thing comes out all right, simply say “Thank you, God.” There! That’s all there is to working your program 24/7/365. Continually asking for help and doing the next right thing. Then thanking Him for the help.
When you do this on a continuing basis, you will not have a need to worry about tomorrow or regret yesterday. Your nows will continually be your yesterday’s thoughts. And your yesterday’s thoughts were your nows at the time. It takes work and smarts. But that is not a problem. How could you have made it this far in life and still be alive if you were not very smart?
Don’t be afraid of living. Be happy with the fact that you can now truly live and enjoy life. If you didn’t drink or drug today, you now have choices. Do you choose to be miserable or do you choose to be Happy, Joyous, and Free? The choice is yours and nobody else’s. Choose wisely! God bless you!
Please let us know what you think. We can be reached at Spiritualityandrecovery@gmail.com or 810-965-6140 usually within hours and many times instantly.
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