
Spirituality and How to make it through today happily

Step 10 states: Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it. We have talked lately about why we were here in AA and discovered that there was help for us if only we could humbly ask for it. (Step 3) Then we started discussing how to cleanse our minds and souls of the wreckage of our pasts. (Steps 4-9) By following the rest of the steps in the order suggested, we discover how we can build a life that we can be Happy, Joyous, and Free in and finally feel welcomed back into living happily. 

An important thing to remember is that Sobriety is more, much more, than just stopping drinking and/or drugging. Stopping drinking, as important as it is, is followed in real Sobriety by serenity, peace, and by being Happy, Joyous, and Free. THIS IS A PROMISE. This is not the case with only being dry, or off the wagon, or just not picking up that first drink. After doing the 4th Step we sometimes feel that we left some parts of our life out of it. That make us wonder if we should have put them in originally. Then this may grow to wondering how we can ever do this program right. If this is you, STOP RIGHT THERE! 

If you worked your 4th and 5th Steps, to the best of your ability, nothing more could have been asked. If you already have worked a 4th and 5th Step, TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY, you may also dread the thought of making another list. Then carrying it around in your head. Then finding and telling another person. Then finally making an amend. This does not sound like living happily to me! There is a better answer! STEP 10! 

Another way to say this step is “If it bothers you, do something about it. If it doesn’t, just move on with your life.” This way, no time has to pass for you to keep it in your head, messing with your present life. Do something about it right now. If you believe that you offended or hurt someone, straighten it out immediately, or ASAP. If something from your past comes back to haunt you, take care of it NOW! 

This is how we take care of both new hassles and old thoughts about actions taken before we came into AA. If you think about it, you will see the simplicity of this program. When we change our thinking, the program also becomes easier, much easier. This leads to a life of being completely Happy, Joyous, and Free!

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