Spirituality and How to Know What’s in it For Me

There is a simple, easy, and totally truthful answer to many questions. One such question is What’s in it for me? ONLY EVERYTHING!. No matter what beliefs we have or don’t have, we ARE spiritual beings. We are living in a spiritual universe. This universe is governed by spiritual law. As divine beings, we are one with God. Whoever or whatever we think this Higher Power is called. We may call Our Higher Power anything that we choose. Why? Because it is not an intellectual choice. It is a leap of faith. Something originally created all that we see, smell, touch, hear, or taste. This Creator is my Higher Power..

My Higher Power is my personal mentor and guide. He is the creator of all that exists, because all of creation had to start somewhere. Today, I call my Higher Power God. Webster defines God as “the supreme or ultimate reality such as The Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped (as in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism) as creator and ruler of the universe.” This God may be called anything. God, Buddha, Allah, Jesus Christ, or nothing at all. This is because God is not an extension of the male, physical, human form as has been portrayed in history. God is beyond all of this. God is everything and everywhere. That is why God is what’s in it for me!

Now that we have this, we should get out of our heads. We should look into our hearts or guts, instead. Then we are ready for more. I have changed away from one who was quick to react to situations. Now I sometimes reconsider my first thought. I seek guidance from my Higher Power. Simply say “God help me.” Then I just do the next thing. The next thing will be right because is guided by my Higher Power. This Higher Power created the Universe and all that is in it. It is not the Guiding Influence in our everyday existence. But, why not? I just say the shortened version of the 3rd Step, “God Help Me.” He is what’s in it for me!

Today, I have no needs. I feel that I have EVERYTHING that I need. Also I have all that I want. I now have God in my life. So I have all the bases covered. God is EVERYTHING!. So, What’s in it for me? EVERYTHING!. We are all spiritual beings. This means that we are individual expressions of our God. We are also one with all that exists.

This is how I have no unfulfilled needs. And that leaves me Happy, Joyous, and Free with everything. Sometimes, I have wondered if I should be happy, joyous, and free. Especially when something is horribly amiss? I think back quickly to the greatest answer I have heard for this poser – CAUSE. It is so JUST CAUSE! Since that covers it ALL, Amen. This means that the answer to What’s in it for me is ONLY EVERYTHING!

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