Spirituality and How to know that it has really helped when I needed a boost

FACT: We are all born spiritual beings. This is always true. No matter if we turn into Saints or terrorists, we are spiritual beings. We are living in a spiritual universe. This universe is governed by spiritual law. Now, one may wonder why, then, do some act so wretched? When our Creator made us he also installed free will. This is where some strive to force their will onto or into others. Even if it leads to the sadistic, wretched acts that we see portrayed in almost every newscast. From terrorist activities and street muggings to tremendous acts of love, they are all fueled by the free will of the person involved. Since I can not change any of this, I do not watch the news anymore. I do, however, need a boost every once in a while!

In Genesis 1:26-27 we read “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” This is why we salute The Christ in everyone. Because, like an atom, it is always in there but not always obvious to our 5 senses. My God made me in His image and I took it and ran with it. God made Mother Teresa in His image and she took it and ran with it. He made terrorists and street thugs in His image and they took it and ran with it. He made us all in his image and we are running with it. We do this to give us a boost with life as we face it. What is the difference? He also gave us all free will. This is what some CHOOSE to run with.

Now, back to the topic. How it helps us when we really need a boost. My wife had breast cancer removed a short time ago. A few months later, she noticed that that area was becoming infected. After several doctor’s visits, she went into the hospital to have it surgically cleaned up. Much to our surprise, she left after having another partial mastectomy. We knew that some cleaning up had to be done but another mastectomy was not in our radar. She came home and was doing well. With only the aftereffects of the surgery to work through. When we were getting info from the nurses that was questionable, we knew that the right thing was going to happen. We said another “God Help Us” and just went on, because of our spiritual boost.

Carol has never seen me drink. She has learned much about spirituality right along with me. So we both knew that the right thing was happening. What did we do next? Whatever felt right! Soon we were laughing and carrying on just like before. In the Big Book, it speaks of the character defects and shortcomings when covering the inventory. After each of these it cites (Fear) in parentheses. I work my program 24/7/365 during most times. I have said ‘bye bye’ to fear because the opposite of fear is faith. Knowing this gives me the boost that I need to rise to whatever occasion I encounter.

I have had it proven to me that, when I work my program 24/7/365, there is nothing to fear. The greatest fear that I could imagine is of the unknown. What is the greatest unknown? I believe that it is death. I also do not fear death anymore. This is because, as you knew, when I was shot I experienced death to a degree. Without learning about the guidance from the spirituality that I was introduced to by the AA Program, both Carol and I would have been nervous wrecks.

We are just so grateful that we can continue sharing this human experience together. This is just another reason why I firmly believe that sobriety is much more than just not picking up. Although it is extremely important, there are many people with their free wills running riot. Many who never drank or drugged. For an alcoholic like me, the 1st Step is something that I need. Need so that I can enjoy the results of working it and the other 11 1/2Steps. If I drink or drug, even a little bit, this little bit is very much like being a little bit pregnant. IMPOSSIBLE! I am truly TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED! God bless you all!

Please let us know what you think. We can be reached at Spiritualityandrecovery@gmail.com or 810-965-6140 usually within hours and many times instantly.

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