Spirituality and How To Know That Faith Works

In the Bible Book of St. Matthew 21: v22 it says “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Isn’t this a beautiful thought? This is the forerunner of “Fake it till you make it”. This is one of the best pieces of advice that I ever received from my original AA sponsors. It was my first experience in understanding that faith works.

The mind is probably our most powerful instrument. It uses heavily the Spiritual Law of Attraction. This is you get out of life what you put into it. Think of a mirror. It reflects only the image that is put into it. Put faith and belief into the mirror of your life, Then EXPECT faith and belief in return. This very well may be a great time to use “Fake it ’till you make it.” Put belief and faith into your mirror of life. Even if you have to fake it. The mirror does not differentiate between real and fake. When the mirror receives the image of faith in any form, it reflects the image right back. Back in the same image that that it was received. I continued doing this with as many different thoughts as I could. Soon I started getting the thought back with increasing positivity.

This is where we substitute heart learning for head learning. Head learning may get us through an exam in school. But the knowledge is many times soon forgotten. Heart learning, on the other hand, is not only remembered in the mind but FELT throughout the system. How is it felt? It may be through vibes or shivers. It may be felt with a smile appearing without obvious reason. Or it may be an “instinctive” reaction the next time a similar situation arises. God does not talk to us using our language. He communicates with feelings and instincts. Instinct causes a bird to fly away. A deer to run. A fish to swim away when possible danger arises. The Higher Power is saying “Danger!” They then respond accordingly. Feelings cause one to smile when something pleasurable arises.

This brings us back to Conceive. Believe. And Achieve. Your fertile mind will Conceive an idea. Then you may need to fake Believing in it. Then, you will Achieve it. Simple but not always easy. A young Michael Jordan or Lebron James was not able to accomplish much on the basketball court against older, more practiced players. They would then dream or Conceive the idea of their being successful when they grew up. Then they would never lose sight of the dream, though, until they matured. They followed their dream along the way. Until they actually were able to accomplish their mission. At this time, they Achieve their greatness. Why? Because they never lost sight of what they had Conceived for years.

These uneasy times are a great time to work on strengthening our minds to think positively and trust in the results. This is belief or faith. God bless you.

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