Spirituality and How To Happily Live the Dream

Since coming into AA, I have heard the response a lot “I’m living the dream” said rather facetiously to the question “How are you doing?” This is said as if “life is still hard but, at least, I am hanging on.” I really wish that more would be able to take the snark out of this response. I have! Since I discovered the Spiritual side of the program. This is when I really began really practicing it in ALL of my affairs, not just during meetings or church services. 

What is your dream for your life? Is it serenity and calmness? People for you to love and that love you back? A job that you enjoy because you have fellow employees that you are not in conflict with? If retired, a lifestyle where your needs are taken care of? Notice, I didn’t ask about how much money you would want or the big house or boat that you desired. If you work your program 24/7/365 to the best of your ability in every part of your life, your needs are taken care of. When your needs are taken care of first, there is now room for you to use your fertile imagination and creativity that you share with our Creator. Many of the wants and desires then begin to be addressed. 

What does it mean to work your program 24/7/365? Simply, keep on just doing the next right thing. How will you know if it is right? If it FEELS right, it IS right! It is as simple as that. No complications or issues. So, how do you feel?

See what we mean when we say “Let go and let God?” You don’t have to stress about your wants and desires. They will be addressed in due time. How do you get to this point? Simply say the shortened version of the 3rd Step, “God Help Me.” Then step back and get out of His way. Good things begin to follow. Any more, I don’t really have to know how it works so I am not going to try to fix it. My answer to the question “How does it work?” is “Very well, thank you.” I didn’t drink or drug today so I now have choices. 

The same can be true for you, no matter how long or short you have been in the program. Just try it, because all that you have to lose is misery, despair, pain, and agony. All you have to gain is more than you ever could have ever thought possible. You will then truly be living the dream! God bless you!

We have exciting news! Our podcast is about to expand! I will soon be joined by guests in the podcasts. They will run the background  spectrum from Spirituality leaders to street people who will share their experiences, strengths, and hopes with us so that we can continue improving our own lives. The first episode with a guest will be broadcast January 31, 2022. This date is significant because it will also mark the 22nd month anniversary of our Zoom AA Meeting. Until then, please continue listening and/or reading our posts and podcasts. We are podcasting on  Spotify.com

To join our Zoom AA Meeting tune it at 3:00PM EST every Monday through Friday, including holidays. Our Zoom ID is 603 528 0704 and PW is 399778. For our blogs and Facebook page search #spiritualityandrecovery We welcome your questions and suggestions. We can be reached at Spiritualityandrecovery@gmail.com or 810-965-6140 usually within hours and many times instantly.

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Living the dream