Conflicts and problems with others have been around since God created the 2nd human being and placed them together. “Mine!” I’m right and you’re wrong!” “You’ve got to be kidding!” “My…(fill in the blank) is bigger than yours!” In this way it starts on the personal level. From this, it grows to tribal or national differences. When in the madness, the outside woes either overwhelmed me or I completely avoided even thinking about them. All thanks to the submersion in a mind altering substance.
Now that we have stopped drinking and/or drugging, the problems are still there. Thus, now they are noticed and we are given three choices. We either succumb to them. Sedate them. Or else deal with them. Sometimes, it feels that we have more problems sober than we ever did when drinking. WRONG! They were always there only now we are facing them without sedation.
What do we do now? What works for me, every time that I come to a problem in my life or am just faced with making a decision, is to use the 3rd Step. Although it may be easy to say that we will turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understand Him, doing it can be different. But what does this really mean? Question! Can we pick and choose what we turn over? Does this say that we turn our will and life over, with the exception of this “one little thing?” In addition, does it say that we can choose to take it back whenever we choose?
What does turning your will and your life over mean to you? Is it temporary and you want to keep a few parts “just so you can be you?” This is not a loan situation, folks. In the case of the life of an alcoholic it is a complete and total giving. Hence, we never have to return to the problems of the past. If it is a loan, we are still in the madness.
This is why I think that sobriety is a lot more than just stopping drinking and/or drugging. Additionally, sobriety is the way into an entirely new WAY OF LIFE on a permanent basis. This is much more than the very important beginning, which is not taking that first drink. Important as this is, it is just the beginning of our problem solving.
Step 3, when worked as written, is the way to feel truly Happy, Joyous, and Free. Life’s loads melt away into manageable pieces. Leading to blossoming into peace and serenity. If a sudden event occurs, just say the shortened version of the 3rd Step, “God Help Me.” Then move on to the next right thing.
How will you know if it is the thing is right or not? After using the 3rd Step, if it feels right, IT IS. Conversely, if it doesn’t feel just right, stop and reconsider. God talks with us in different ways. For instance, hesitancy can be one of them. God Bless You All!
Question for the day: How do you handle life problems as they appear?
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