Spirituality and How To Guarantee Powerlessness

by becoming a constant griper.

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Have you ever met someone who is constantly complaining? The weather’s too hot. The weather’s too cold. My back hurts and I have a toothache. The wrong party won the election. This rose stinks.

Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones wrote in his essay Encouraging Words “The Law of Attraction guarantees that complainers will always have a lifetime supply of things to complain about.”

Wow! This little piece of wording sounds like a warning to me. The Law of Attraction is that we get out of life what we put into it. Just like a mirror — a mirror of life. So, if you continue complaining, the Law of Attraction will never let you run out of gripes.

Since first learning about the Law of Attraction, I have tried to live my life accordingly. And, because I have, I remain happy, joyous, and free. Does this mean that I laugh and enjoy sickness, injury, death, or other problems that strike me or others?

Not a chance! What it does mean is that, when something painful arises, I am HAPPY that I can make the right decisions about it. JOYOUS that I can make these decisions without being under the influence of a mind-altering substance.

And all because I am FREE from alcohol and other similar mind benders.

Dr. Jones, in an article in the Science of Mind magazine, added “Have you ever known a chronic complainer? The danger for such a person is that the universe has extremely big ears and is always listening — and it can’t take a joke. It magnified what we focus our energy on and expands our experience of it….”

I remember when I was a Detroit copper and we may have been looking for a purple VW Beetle with green and red stripes involved in a crime. We would concentrate on looking for this particular oddly colored car.

Wouldn’t you know it? Seems like we saw purple VW Beetles with green and red stripes every few vehicles. I’ve gotta believe that this was the Law of Attraction in action.

We were concentrating on this particular vehicle and so plenty of them plopped into our laps of vision. I didn’t know about the Law of Attraction back then but there it was, big and bold for our eyes to behold.

We don’t have to understand or even acknowledge the Law of Gravity either but let go of an object and it hits the floor, right? We don’t need to understand for it to be real.

Maya Angelou said “What you’re supposed to do when you don’t like a thing is change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. Don’t complain.”

Of course, this brings us to The Serenity Prayer. It is ”God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.”

This all means that, if you don’t like something and can’t change it, you can always change how you think about it. That way, you have nothing to complain about. Also, you will have power over your own thoughts, which is huge!

But, if you truly want to be powerless, just keep on complaining and griping! Works every time! Thank you, God!

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