Spirituality and How to go from practicing alcoholism into being truly blessed!

Probably the most powerful part of our beings is our thoughts, no matter how physically fit we are or how many muscles we have. This is whether we have Alcoholism or not. Of the 12 Steps of the AA Program, only the 1st half of the 1st Step even mentions alcohol. The other 11 1/2 all assist with our thinking.

My thinking was/is not different than yours or anyone else’s. When you read these blog posts you will be able to follow my life. I changed from a 36-year-old Detroit Police Officer who was deep into the throes of Alcoholism into an 81-year-old man who is truly TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED. Follow along with me so that we can continue this path to peace and serenity together. It is always more enjoyable to share great living experiences with others. This actually adds to both our peace and comfort.

I started early adult life after leaving the Army by becoming a bouncer in a red-neck tavern wondering if life was really worth the pain and aggravation. I am now only praying that I can help others to really see that there is much life after misery and that the misery can take a ‘poof pill.’ Can you even imagine a life that is smooth and loving? I now can and do and live it and you can CHOOSE it for yourself, too.

I discovered that I had been wrong for so many years when under the spell of practicing alcoholism. I didn’t have a clue that it was even wrong. I thought that this is just the way life is. I had no idea that Spirituality is life itself, not just another way of living. I was introduced to the writings and teachings of Emmet Fox and, through his writings, he became my Spiritual Advisor. Dr. Fox was instrumental in the beginnings of Spirituality and was the Spiritual Advisor for Bill W. and many of the earliest AAs. I would have a question and pore through the Fox tomes seeking an answer, because he made his transition in 1951.

Several years ago, I was introduced to Reverend Stephanie Sorensen, of Flint’s Life Enrichment Center. She soon became my Spiritual Advisor. Since then, my life just continues to get better. I now have someone who I can talk with most any time and get straight answers regarding Spirituality and how to apply its principals to daily life.

When I now face a decision in any of the forks in my life’s road, I merely say the shortened version of the 3rd Step, “God help me.” Guess what? He does! It has never failed me. I am a Spiritual Being and an individualized expression of my God as I understand Him, so I can share Divine Wisdom with Him and go on and just do the next right thing. The wonderful part is that you can, too. What do you need to do? Just ASK HIM. If this is your choice, you will soon discover that you, too, are too blessed to be stressed. This is a promise. If you can truly believe that this will work, IT DEFINATELY WILL!