and who doesn’t want this?
![Feel good](*--JV-XNj5urezVNmoIWooA.jpeg)
This is not brain surgery, folks. To feel better than we do right now we ONLY must rid ourselves of the negatives. Probably the most powerful ingredient of our makeup is our thoughts.
Our thoughts precipitate EVERYTHING! Everything, including physical ailments, begins with a thought. Go back to when we were young, back to when The Great Creator was Creating the Universe.
He had a thought. He thought that there should be planets, stars, moons, suns, and plenty of room for them to move around in and grow. So, then, He created the universe.
He then thought that he should occupy them with beings so that they could be extensions of Himself and be one with all that exists. He thought that this would be a good thing.
He used CBA. After Conceiving these ideas, He Believed that they would be a very good thing to do. All that was left was for Him to Achieve this and He did! We see and are the results of these original thoughts.
This is power to the nth degree. Now, since we are all extensions of this Divine Power of the Universe, we can tap into this wisdom and guidance and do and be anything we desire.
How can “little ole me” ever possibly tap into anything so powerful? The AA 3rd Step says: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
Simple words but so difficult to even imagine in many instances. This is when the shortened version of the 3rd Step comes in handy. Simply say “God, help me.” Then get out of His way and let Him.
What happens next? Depending on the amount of faith you have in the Higher Power, anything up to and including complete success just appears. How do you get complete faith in this Power?
The AA 12 Steps are in numerical order and this is how we should think of working them. This means that to get full advantage of the 3rd Step, we should work on the first 2 Steps to the best of our ability first.
Wewill then begin to see that something miraculous is taking place in our lives. This is how we learn to trust and believe that the 3rd Step is as real as it comes.
When I do, I fully believe and have faith that my Higher Power, who I now choose to call God, can and will work for me. Then, all I must do is say “God, help me” and, for sure, He does!
Reverend Jane Beach says “If I respectfully decline to listen to a person’s endless complaining, I stand for peace and optimism. If I don’t let another put me down, I stand for self-care and integrity.
If I refuse to get caught up in someone else’s drama, expansion and solutions become possibilities. Every time I say no, I create a space for yes to show up.” She gets rid of her negatives.
![Get rid of negativity](*eiPNLTfNl7eyb2b6jJ5O8g.jpeg)
So, to answer the question of the daily topic of How to feel better right now, I would highly suggest ousting the negativity from your consciousness and filling the void with positivity.
This is done by turning all over to God, as you understand Him. Then getting out of His way and letting Him. Is it easy? Heck no. Is it simple? Absolutely! Thank you, God!
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