We have probably heard for most of our lives that we should live our lives on the straight and narrow road. That this is the ideal way to live. After studying Spirituality for many years, now, I believe differently. I know that, when in the madness, I had a very straight and narrow path of life. Life evolved around my drinking. I was drinking. Drunk. Coming off a drunk. Starting into a drunk. Or planning my next one. That is not a very expansive life at all. That is why anyone around me knew just what strings to pull or buttons to push to get their way with me. Even if this way was merely to get me to disagree and become riled up. This was my straight and narrow.
The other day at a meeting, the idea of living on the straight and narrow arose. Either later that day or the next, I read a quote from Abraham Hicks. “Your path is not narrow and straight. It is flexible and fluid and expanding and delicious.” This truly is my life now. Now that I have a degree of sobriety. In my wildest dreams, I never believed that my life could or would ever be as wonderful, beautiful, challenging, educational, exciting as it is now! My life now is 180 degrees from where it was then. I have people who love me, not fear or mistrust me. This, in itself, was almost unthinkable before. And it is only the start.
Each and every day, my life gets better, now. How? You may ask. Because of my realization that in order to continue improving my life, ALL I must do is work my Program 24/7/365. This takes me beyond the straight and narrow. Feel the gratitude for what enters my life. And show my gratitude on a regular basis. Having gratitude without expressing it is like a present that was not wrapped. Not really necessary but so very much appreciated and leads to so much more. I have a life that a poor man can’t steal and a rich man can’t buy. The beautiful thing is that this life can be yours, too. How? Just work your program 24/7/365 to the best of your ability. THAT IS ALL!
See, you don’t have to be perfect. Just do the best that you can and it will seemingly magically pop into your life. That is a promise! God bless you!
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