We have talked before about AA being a spiritual not a religious program. We accept the Physical laws, such as Gravity, as real and factual. Spiritual laws are every bit as true and factual but probably new concepts to many of us. Today we are going to talk about the Spiritual Law of Attraction, which is, what one puts into life one gets back exactly what was entered in the first place. An example is a mirror. What I see when I look into a mirror is exactly what is placed into it. If I have a flaw on my face or tear in my shirt, I see the flaw or tear. In other words, the mirror is neutral.
Life also has a mirror and what I put into it I get back exactly what I place into it. If I put resentment, fear, anger, disappointment, into the mirror of my life, I get back resentment, fear, anger, disappointment. If, when I wake up, I stub my toe and say “Crap, this is going to be a lousy day,” it probably will be a lousy day. If, after stubbing my toe, I say something like “Wish I hadn’t done that,” and put my mind onto something else, my chances for a better day just improved greatly. This shows the simple program working for complicated folks who are trying to fight fear and anger with fear and anger.
The Law of Attraction, the mirror of my life, is just as completely neutral as the mirror in the bathroom. It does not embellish its input, only reflects it. I want to be Happy, Joyous, and Free so I start my day off thanking my Higher Power for the new day and asking for, as the 11th Step suggests, the knowledge of His will for me and the power to carry it out. Then, I throw in a Shortened version of the 3rd Step, “God Help Me,” and then guess what? My days are no longer filled with resentments and rage.
This does not mean that all days are full of laughter, but it does mean that, if there are problems arising, they will be handled in a proper manner. What a concept, huh? I have used this successfully in all sorts of stressful situations. Situations such as illnesses and deaths of people close to me, cancer in me and also in my wife and sister, divorce, remarriage, raising 4 teenage girls. You get the picture, I am sure.
I am Happy, Joyous and Free and have been since the program introduced me to Spirituality. I am truly “too blessed to be stressed.” Remember Happy, Joyous, and Free does not mean that we laugh all day long. It means that we go to bed and fall asleep and then wake up refreshed with the knowledge that we have done all that we can do for any situation that arises.
This can be your life, too, if you choose it. The Law of Attraction does not pick and choose what to reflect back to us what we put into it. Remember, if you did not drink or drug, you have choices. Don’t be afraid of living. Be happy with the fact that you can now truly live and enjoy life. If you didn’t drink or drug today, you now can choose just what you want your day to be like. Do you choose to be miserable or do you choose to be Happy, Joyous, and Free? The choice is yours and nobody else’s. Choose wisely!
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