Recently before one of our meetings here, I heard a short discussion on admitting and accepting. This started me thinking. Then, later the daily reading in one of my Spiritual readings, the Guide for Spiritual Living, discussed the same thing. The mention of this topic twice in a day or so reminds me that there are no coincidences. Everything happens for a reason. So I thought that I would look into this and we could discuss it. One of Webster’s definitions for ADMIT is “confess to be true or to be the case, typically with reluctance.” One of Webster’s definitions of ACCEPT is “to endure without protest or reaction.”
The First Step states “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol and that our lives had become unmanageable.” Here is just where we first place acceptance into the equation. As important as admitting is in this case, in order to begin becoming happy, joyous, and free, we must also accept this. Acceptance does not mean that we have to like something. Just know that it is what it is and is inevitable. For example, I am a white male with two legs, two arms, one torso, one head, etc.
Once I got past admitting Step One, I soon learned much more about myself and the disease. I then accepted that I am an alcoholic. Once I accepted this, much of the stress and strain left my system. I was then able to move on with my program and am not very happy, joyous, and free no matter what else is going on to or around me. This does not mean that all days are filled with laughter. Some days are filled with pain, physical and emotional, because of an illness, injury, bad relationship, or a whole host of other maladies. “But how can I be happy, joyous, and free with all that is going on to and around me?” Simply this! I am happy that I can now choose just what to do or not do in any given situation without the influence of a mind altering substance.
The right answer just seems to pop up for me. I am joyous that I am in a position to help another being, even if it is only to provide an attentive ear to hear their problem out. I am free of drugs and alcohol that controled my life like a puppeteer.
When I admitted that I was powerless over alcohol and that my life had become unmanageable, I took the first step into a return to actually living my life, not just existing. Being addictive, I wanted more, much more. Just as I craved the feeling that I got from alcohol, I now crave the positive results that come from working my program 24/7/365. This comes from finally admitting and accepting that I am an alcoholic and that there is a way out of the misery of addiction.
At first it is uncomfortable. But we have been uncomfortable before and lived. The feeling of ease and comfort came soon after I started working my program to the best of my ability and asking my Higher Power for help. To get the help, I use the shortened version of the 3rd Step – God Help Me! Now, I choose this as my way of life each and every day because I now CAN choose. If you didn’t drink or drug today, you now have choices. Do you choose to be miserable or do you choose to be Happy, Joyous, and Free? The choice is yours and nobody else’s’. Choose wisely! God bless you!
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