Spirituality and How To Deal With Stress

Stress is as real as a heart attack. Stress can be all consuming. Stress is also an indication of fear. The Big Book lists fear as the core of ALL character defects. When the Big Book talks of inventory, it lists (fear) in parentheses after each and every character defect. “I’m not afraid for me but I am for my family.” “I have always done it myself. Now I am not allowed to do anything that takes me close to others because of ‘social distancing.’”

We learn in our early learning phase of the spiritual approach to everyday life that working the 3rd step, really working and believing it, takes the fears and stress away and replaces them with peace, hope, joy, and happiness. We also find that not working the 3rd step is one way to find despair, turmoil, and further stress at the end of the road.

Working the 3rd step does not only mean that it is worked only for our actions, but also for our thoughts and attitudes for and about us and the people around us. We learn that we only have control over ourselves. This is what the Serenity Prayer reminds us of. All that we can do is work our own program and show by example what we believe should be done and pray, as the 11th step says, only for the knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry it out. Prayer helps as long as we know that God is in charge, not us. Meditation helps as long as it does not lead to over manipulation.

Now, take the feelings and attitudes you have and get during meetings out into the world and share them with everyone. In this way, you will be happy, joyous, and free at all times, even when not at meetings or during trying situations.

Try it for a week and then, if it didn’t seem to work, let me know and we will discuss it. When it does work, SHOW everyone else the beautiful results.