Spirituality And How To Deal With Covid Right NOW

One topic has seemingly brought all parts of the world into thinking and in many cases obsessing about the same thing at the same time. This is The Covid virus. This has brought many into a state of panic. Tried buying a package of toilet paper early in the pandemic?

Bare Shelves
Bare Shelves

Fear of the unknown has always been at the root of most people’s fears. That is why the fear of death is such a common denominator among many. Leading some to even panic, at times. Not many know someone who has experienced death and returned to talk about it?

Through the ages, there have been plagues, pestilence, war, and weather disturbances. At the time, people directly involved had the same panic and fear that many have today only there was no way of publicizing it. Cable news networks, electronic communications, and the internet have changed that.

The common denominator for all of these past tragedies is that they all ended. And the earth still spun and circled the sun. Humanity survived and flourished. Progress continued unabated. in most cases ending up better than before. The panic of the moment was just that – of the moment.

Spirituality has taught me that I am not in control of anything beyond my own self. I am not God! What I am is an individualized expression of God and one with all that exists. My own true nature is spiritual and perfect. When I use my God-given Free Will to judge, harm, or otherwise injure, it becomes dangerous. When I surrender my will and my life to this Higher Power, as I understand him, I don’t give up a thing. I gain everything! Peace, Joy, and Happiness are mine for the taking.

So what can you do about all of these disturbances, both local and worldwide? The problems that can seem overwhelming? The Serenity Prayer answers this very well. If it is me, I CAN change. If it is not me, I CAN’T change it. The biggest problem is having the wisdom to know the difference between the two. The answer is the shortened version of the AA 3rd Step. Simply say “God, help me.” Then stand aside and let Him.

I never really knew peace or joy before I started on this learning curve. Yes, I thought I was happy. But now I know how really shallow this all was. Without inner peace, there is no real joy. There is only a very temporary feeling of relief. Today, I am too blessed to be stressed! The Happiness, Joy, and Freedom that most wish for can be yours if you only CBA, Conceive it, then Believe it, and then finally you will Achieve it. Peace be with you!

Panic Buying
Panic Buying

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