“The roof is leaking.” “The toilet is running.” “My child is crying.” “The back hurts.” “My boss fired me.” Admittedly, some days are just better than others. What can we do when it seems like all the stars are aligned against us? The stars do NOT line up in a row. Let alone to “get” us. It just seems that way. Seemingly, there are only problems and no solutions.
The ONLY one that can make me happy or sad is ME! Why is this? Because the Serenity Prayer says it all. It asks us to change the things that we can. And to accept the things that we can not. It then finishes. It advises us to have the wisdom to know the difference. The difference is that the only one that I can change is me! Not anyone or anything else! So, it is time to stop if I am feeling out of sorts, restless, irritable, or discontent. I must look beyond my own nose. The solution could be anywhere.
“OK, so what do I do now?” I get outside of myself. I talk with people. Not by myself. Try to fix that darn running toilet. Not just think about it. I think of ways to try to help another person, alcoholic or not. Soon, I accomplish at least trying to do this. Then I look for the next right thing. The mind can not think of more than one thing at a time. It just seems like it does sometimes. That is just the sign of a cluttered mind, though. A mind that I work on slowing down. This is the problem. What is the solution?
So, if I am thinking and doing helpful things, my mind gets out of the way. Out of the overflowing septic system that it had turned into. Right now my mind is with you all here and now. So, now, my thoughts are truly happy, joyous, and free. This is just another reminder. I do not have to wait until I die to know if I am destined for Heaven or Hell. When in the madness, I was living in Hell.
Spirituality has taught me how to make my life into more of a Heavenly place. What do we think Heaven is, anyway? A peaceful, serene place where love is shared both ways. Shared with every other living being. It can be found in a volunteer job. One of helping people. Many who are having a problem helping themselves. This allows us to see the quick smile or contentment that is returned more often than not. Not the Winged Angels of my youth’s imagination. Not God sitting on a golden throne. Pointing His white, male finger at me. And admonishing me.
My solutions ALL starts with the shortened version of the 3rd Step. Simply saying “God help me!” Then stepping aside and LETting Him!
It is the Spirit of my Higher Power filling me with total Happiness, Joy, and the Freedom. All to feel and love it all. I am getting this while here on this earth. While living this part of my eternal life in the Human Experience. I eagerly await the next experience. Happily I await the next adventure. What is in store for me in this life or the next? I am only sure of one thing. That It will be guided by and filled with love. This means that it WILL work!
We can be reached at Spiritualityandrecovery@gmail.com or 810-965-6140 usually within hours.
More can be found on our other pages. We have an AA Zoom meeting, blogs, and a podcast. Also our Facebook page. They are updated regularly. We hope that you will join us on these sites. And please comment so that we can share with each other our experiences, strengths, and hopes. The Zoom meeting is every Monday through Friday, 3:00 PM EST. Meeting ID is 6035280704. Password 399778. It is simple to locate the blogs and Facebook pages. Just search @Spiritualityandrecovery. For the podcast, search Spotify.com for Spiritualityandrecovery. On iPhone say “Hey Siri, Play the podcast Spiritualityandrecovery.” Or, “Hey, Google. Play the Jim Boylan podcast.”