“How does my Spirituality work after all of my detailed preparations for solving the ideal of World Peace, curing Covid19, and someone else’s sobriety? After all, I regularly pay close attention to the often conflicting news accounts and social media news. After all, the cable news channels have all interviewed experts including political insiders, sports stars, and Hollywood figures to discover just what measures are needed for these pressing problems!”
The answer is that It DOESN’T work if these are the measures that I have been taking. The more attention that I pay to the news, the less peace that I have. Also, did I pour the alcohol down the throat of the other person or did he do it himself? Remembering the Serenity Prayer, it states that we seek the Serenity to accept the things that we can not change, the Courage to change the things that we can and the Wisdom to know the difference. The wisdom to know the difference is the standout portion of this prayer.
Studying Spirituality teaches us that the only thing that we can change is ourselves. For the rest of the long list of nagging, staggering problems that we as humankind face, we must have the wisdom to know that we can only change ourselves. Therefore, I put my efforts into changing my thoughts and attitudes into something positive. This way, I can truly be Happy, Joyous, and Free. This brings peace and serenity. Once Happy, Joyous, and Free, we can make our own little portion of the world a better place. Since this is a program of attraction, others will see the changes being made and many, many will want this peace, too.
The Spiritual Law of Attraction now comes into play. When others see our peace and calm, many will see it and make these changes in themselves. When they do this, they too become Happy, Joyous, and Free. Others will see the change and calm in themselves and want it too. That is how the ripple effect works. Drop a pebble in a calm pond and watch the ripples flow out from the center affecting and activating everything that they touch. It definitely does work for me. As it states in the 2nd paragraph of How it Works, “If you want what we have and are willing to go to any lengths to get it…” then Come on down! I was so far down that I was totally willing to go to any lengths to get what you had.
Relatively quickly, I started getting some serenity in my life. I have continually remained willing to go to any lengths and am paid off by being truly Happy, Joyous, and Free. No matter what is going on to or around me. It is yours for the taking! If you want it, just take it. BUT, you must do the work to keep it. It is so very simple but not always easy. BUT, the more that you work it, the easier it becomes. THAT IS A PROMISE! God bless you!
Please let us know what you think. We can be reached at Spiritualityandrecovery@gmail.com or 810-965-6140 usually within hours and many times instantly.
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