I believe that our thoughts are the most powerful part of our beings. Thoughts can and do change our very existence! Think about it. We think ourselves into and out of our very health situations. Wake up to a sunny day with a message from someone just saying “Hi.” Recall the smile that probably came over you as you listened or read the message. Then you stubbed your toe and said to yourself “This is going to be a crappy day.” Sure enough, your stomach began to roil and maybe you even started to get a headache. Or, you began finding fault in most everything around you and, as these thoughts extended over a period of time, you started getting an ulcer.
Now, lets flip this scenario. You wake up in the morning and it is storming. You had plans for a fun, outdoor activity for this day that is now rained out. Then you heard from one of your children or your pet that they are sick and began soiling their clothing or the carpet. You quickly realize that, unless you do something quickly, this day could get out of hand in an instant. So, you take the proper action to aid and comfort the child or pet, perhaps smiling with them to smoothe them out some. Then the child’s face soon located a smile and the pet’s tail starts to wag. You have made a difference! The light in the eyes that is now starting to appear brightens up the stormy day and you feel grateful to be alive and able to help them in their time of need.
Your gratitude list pops into your mind and you no longer have a stormy, dark day. You have helped another being and you have taken a break from your own problems or conditions for a while. Instead of looking for the light, you have been the light.
We have all heard the quips about the light at the end of the tunnel. You know, “With my luck, the light at the end of the tunnel is the headlight of a train coming at me.”
The study of Spirituality shows us that our thoughts are the most powerful thing that we possess. Absolutely nothing is done that does not begin with thought. This includes our feelings about other people, places, and things. The Serenity Prayer admonishes us to know the difference between what we can change and what we cannot. We further learn that the only thing that we can change is ourselves. No one or nothing else. The wording is very simple but the practice is oftentimes very difficult, if not seemingly impossible. The simplest way to achieve the best use of our thoughts is to use the shortened version of the 3rd Step. Just say “God help me!” Then get out of His way and let Him.
Never forget, you have choices! What do you choose? What do you really want? Do you choose to remain negative and miserable or would you rather be Happy, Joyous, and Free? Do you choose to think that the light is from a train that is about to do additional harm or do you choose to BE the light? The choice is yours. Choose wisely? God bless you!
Please let us know what you think. We can be reached at Spiritualityandrecovery@gmail.com or 810-965-6140 usually within hours and many times instantly.
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