
Spirituality and How To Best Use Affirmative Prayer

What is Affirmative Prayer? Dr. Ernest Holmes, the founder was The founder of Science of Mind. He said that Affirmative Prayer is when we pray, we should pray believing.

What a concept! It is based on the principle of oneness. There is no separation between you and Spirit. You and God. Or Allah. Or Buddha. Call It whatever or anything you wish. This is not the stereotypical form of prayer. The kind in which people are found making demands, pleas, or begging. Especially to a distant, far-off ‘God.’ One who seemingly may or may not answer!

When we say a prayer affirmatively, we are able to change the state of our thoughts. We recognize the attributes of God. We unify ourselves with those attributes. Then realize that our desired outcome is at hand. Follow by giving thanks. Then let God do what He was asked.

This is combining the old AA adages of KISS and Let Go and Let God! Hence, I say, this is a very simple program. It is for very complicated folks. I just breath and let my Higher Power do His work. The work that I said a prayer for. When I do this I AM Happy, Joyous, and Free. You can be, too! If you KISS and Let Go and Let God! Bless you all!

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