Everything in this world is connected in Oneness to everything else
The 1st Spiritual Law is the Law of Oneness. Spiritual laws are as real as physical laws, such as gravity.
Everything in the universe is connected to everything else. This means that everything we do, say, or even think has an effect somewhere in the universe.
The Law of Oneness states that everything that exists emanates from the same Oneness or Source, God!
We are all born into this human experience as spiritual beings. We are living in a spiritual universe.
This universe is governed by spiritual law. This includes everything that exists from dust particles to planets.
As divine beings, we are individualized expressions of God.
We are one with all that exists. We affect and are affected by everything, excluding nothing, that exists.
This is all HUGE!
This explains why the first two words of The Lord’s Prayer are so important. Everyone, no matter who they are or where from, says “Our Father.”
With God as Our Father, we are ALL brothers and sisters. The same “Spiritual DNA,” so to speak.
So, how do we recognize the Law of Oneness? If it is a being, we are One! It is just as simple as that! If it exists, we are connected.
Ernest Holmes taught that Every person who exists manifests the Life of God. There is One Spirit in which we live. One Mind by which we think. One Body of which we are a part. One Light that lighteth every man’s pathway.
We do not need to find a light. We ARE the light!
Thank you, God!
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