Spirituality and How to Attain Appreciation

We have discussed this before. We can never think about gratitude too much. What does gratitude give to us? The ability to show genuine appreciation, Happiness, Joy, and Freedom! It allows us to gain appreciation for everything. Everything! What does not having gratitude give to us? Agony, anger, resentments, fear, mental and physical pain and illness. Also, depreciation of everything that we have. Think about it. What does worry and fret bring? Upset stomach and even ulcers. What does fear bring? Frustration, anger, and resentments. This, the list just keeps going on and on.

I am thinking of my blessings. I feel gratitude. What does gratitude bring? It brings peace of mind. It brings contentment. Also feelings of happiness. Real joy. True love. It also brings more. The ability to show appreciation for everything. Everything includes both the good and the bad. They both are learning experiences. What do these feelings bring? A desire for more. So another grateful thought appears. Then we feel these same emotions. They are even more intensified.

I soon realized something big, to me. I wanted to continue with more. How I could do this? I realized that, when I did something for, not to, someone else, I got this feeling and showed appreciation. Then I was rewarded with inner peace. I didn’t even know the results. Or if many of the things that I had done had been appreciated. I discovered that it didn’t matter anyway. Because, I discovered more joy. This came out of doing something for others. AND doing it anonymously. They came to me just CAUSE!

Buying the coffee for the car behind me at a coffee shop lane. Just paying ahead and driving away. Someone did this for me a time or two. I remember the appreciation for that I have to this day. We may not even get an acknowledgement from someone. Even if we did something good for them. But that is OK with me, too. We live in a vibrational universe. It will come back to us. It may be later or it may be from someone else. There is an old saying “What goes around comes around.” This is just another way of explaining this phenomenon.

I just do it. Because it is the next right thing, I will be rewarded somewhere, sometime. That is fine with me. The appreciation will come back from this vibrational universe. I now have so many blessings! Hence, I don’t have time to complain! What does this make me? Too blessed to be stressed!

We see people at the St Andrews Soup Kitchen every week who are living in the most impoverished section, of one of the poorest, most vicious, crime ridden cities in America. Many of them not even knowing how long they will be alive. Will they will be alive for the rest of the day? Let alone the coming darkness of night? Sometimes we don’t see some of our regulars for a while. We immediately wonder why? We then go through our mental check list. Firstly, are they dead? Secondly, are they in jail? Lastly, are they in the hospital?

But, these people show their appreciation in many ways. This is for the love that is given them here. Here, it is in many forms. Food. A smile. Some kind words. A hug. Or the temporary safety of the building. St Andrews is known as being a Safe Zone in the area. On their way out, they smile. They go out of their way say thanks in their own fashion. They are grateful for the few minutes of peace. Not fearing the environment that surrounds them the rest of their 24 hours. The Soup Kitchen had allowed them into the building for a hot, nutritious meal and a few minutes of peace, love, and lack of fear. No one was shot. No one was set on fire. None were harassed when they were in there. Then, they go back into the dreaded reality of their world.

When they would leave, they would look around. They would seek us out. Then, shout across the room. This was to thank Father Jay for this. Or asking us to tell the cooks, our own Big Al and Chilly Billy, that the meal was really good. AND THEY WERE DOING IT WITH  BIG SMILES ON THEIR FACES. Their smile was gone when we next saw them. They were walking or driving away. Or, just walking in the neighborhood. But they were genuinely grateful for the few minutes that they just had.

The Covid pandemic had inconvenienced many of us. It took even the hot meals away from them for a year and a half. Instead, we met them outside. There we gave them a bag lunch and had them keep moving. For many, this will be the only meal that they have for at leas the day. It is impossible not to see the gratitude and appreciation that they have. They would walk through the cold, icy, snowy, windy day. And this just to get their bag and a quick hug. We could not allow them into the building. Not even to warm up or use the restroom.

Many of us who sobered up and continue to enjoy life to varying degrees could relate to them. It could have just as easily been us there. I know that I could have been. Some of these people were professionals and business owners. Of course, as well as some who have known nothing but this life for all of their own lives. But for the grace of God! I could very easily be on the receiving end of a cold bag lunch, a smile and or hug. Then being sent on my way. For this, I am extremely grateful.

I didn’t always feel this way. Especially when sitting on the side of my bed with my .357 Magnum in my mouth. But not being able to pull the trigger. Folks, I am truly TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED! I can’t wait until I get other opportunities to share whatever love I can with others. 

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