There are many educated, very knowledgeable people who come into AA, proving that academic prowess alone will not keep us away from our addictions. Much of this is because knowing something well enough to take a test or exam in school is only one way to learn. This type of learning many times is fleeting because, as soon as the test is over, much of the newly learned knowledge is gone. This is not heart learning. This is head learning.
Then there is the type of knowledge that one gets by living through experiences. Experiences like in falling in love, being stung by a bee, being struck or near missed by a vehicle while walking across the street, pulling on Superman’s cape, spitting into the wind. These experiences lead to heart knowledge. This type, one does not only remember it in the head but FEELS by getting the vibrations in a similar situation at a later time. “Don’t touch that hot stove” may be answered by testing at a later time to see if it is true. Then burning a finger when testing turns into FEELING the burn the next time one is near a hot stove.
Some may put these feelings off on instincts or reactions. This is true, to a degree. Why? Because God does not talk to us by using a verbal language that we understand. He COMMUNICATES with us with urges, instincts, fleeting thoughts, vibrations. In other words, heart learning. If you are working on living a good life, you will start to pay more attention to your feelings and emotions. We are living in a Vibrational universe. Have you ever begun something and gotten a shiver that you couldn’t explain? This could very well be God’s “message” to you to maybe reconsider. “Should I continue or think it out more?”
When I use the shortened version of the 3rd Step by saying “God help me” before taking an action, I KNOW that if it FEELS right, it IS right. If I have the slightest urge to pause, I should reconsider. Then, if it FEELS right, it will be right. If there is any hesitation, then I should consider an alternative plan.
How do you get to this point? My suggestion is to work your Program 24/7/365. To do this, all you do is the next right thing. Followed by the next right thing. Followed by the next right thing. That is all! Simple! Amazingly simple! AND, the more that you do it, the EASIER it becomes. Little problems disappear. Bigger problems beome little problems. And, what did we say about “little problems?” Right! They disappear as problems and become solutions. God bless you!
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