I can’t make you believe anything. But, you yourself can have faith and belief!
The Bible Book of St. Matthew 21: v22 states “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Isn’t this a beautiful thought? This led to the more modern view of “Fake it till you make it.” One of the best pieces of advice that I ever received from my original AA sponsors. Also, my real introduction into having any faith at all.
The mind is probably our most powerful instrument. The mind uses heavily the Spiritual Law of Attraction, which is, that you get out of life what you put into it. Prior to any action is a thought, however brief.
Think of a mirror. It reflects ONLY the image that is put into it. Put faith and belief into the mirror of your life and EXPECT faith and belief in return. You will know that you have faith or belief because, in addition to your knowing in your head, you will FEEL it throughout.
This brings us back to CBA. Conceive, Believe and Achieve. If your fertile mind will Conceive an idea, then it will Believe in it. Then you will Achieve it.
Simple but not always easy. These uneasy times in which we are living are a great time to work on strengthening our minds to think positively and trust in the results. This is belief or faith. Thank you, God!
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