
Spirituality and How To Accomplish Having Absolutely No Fear

Marianne Williamson said “In fear, we forget who we really are. Forgetting who we are, we forget Who lives within us. And in forgetting Who lives within us, we lose conscious connection to our power.” In the Big Book of AA are listed character defects. After each and every one is the word Fear in parentheses. An alcoholic has many character defects and so is full of fear. Some minor and others devastating. We must remember that the opposite of fear is not courage, bravery, valor, guts. The opposite of fear is faith.

Ernest Holmes, the founder of Science of Mind, said “In order to have faith, we must have a conviction that all is well. In order to keep faith, we must allow nothing to enter our thought which will weaken this conviction.” We have talked before many times about the power of thought. Thought is probably the most powerful asset that we ALL have.

Remember CBA. We CONCEIVE an idea. We picture ourselves actually being able to do this conception. When we do this, we BELIEVE that we can accomplish this. This is what unlocks our resistance or fear and we actually ACHIEVE the act. In the Holmes instance cited above, we CONCEIVE the idea that there is a Higher Power working in us for our betterment. We then use our powerful thought process to recall all that this Power has already created for us, from our breathing, heartbeat, and other basics to more advanced such as ability to learn. Now we can BELIEVE that there really is a Higher Power that can and will do for us positively whether we seek It or not. Finally we ACHIEVE the knowledge that there truly is a Higher Power and this Power is working for us.

This, then, is the beginning of the abolishment of fear. Just KNOWING that this Power exists and has since long before we were created, is comforting. 

This is knowledge of the nearness of the Creator, who first created the universe and everything in it and then put this entire conglomeration together to work smoothly.  Smoothly with planets orbiting suns and live births into the human condition and everything in between. This same Power created us “In his image.” 

Thus, who am I to even have the fleeting thought that this Power could or would not be ready, able, and willing to help me through any fear inducing problem that may arise? With this Power, who I now choose to call God, I can do anything that I choose. All that I must do is humbly ask for help. We, as divine beings in a Spiritual universe, are ALL individual expressions of God and one with all that exists. This means that I have nothing to fear. I no longer am alone in any venture.

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No more fear