You can’t have one without the other!
“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”
“Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” For many of us, The Lord’s Prayer is recited at the end of every meeting. As are so many things, it has been heard so often that it is said many times while thinking about something else entirely.
When The Lord’s Prayer is recited “by rote,” the true meaning is many times lost. This prayer originated from Divine inspiration. It does not say we pick and choose who to forgive. It does not say what to forgive.
Nowhere in this prayer does it open the cafeteria option where we pick and choose anything. The Law of Attraction is in play here. Big time! Just how do you want to feel? Remember that what you put in, you get back.
Doyou wish to feel good continuously? Or do you wish to sprinkle some days with guilt, shame, resentment, remorse, or anger? Free will was given by God to all human beings and, like its name says, you are free to use it in any way you choose.
You can even choose to be miserable. When in the madness, or sometimes even after taking the last drink or drug, you may do harm to someone. Now, you may wish this person to forgive you because you are genuinely repentant for harming them.
So, you ask them for forgiveness hoping and praying that you get it. Sometimes you get it and sometimes not. Why is this? It is because you get forgiveness in the same way that you give forgiveness.
How come some can forgive others for anything but not themselves? What made you so totally unique is that you think that whatever you have done deserves to be forgiven but not yourself.
If you, as one living in this Human experience, can forgive others, why do you believe that your Creator would not forgive you? Especially since it is reported that He already has. Are you greater than God?
The beauty of learning about Spirituality is that I learned that there is a God and It is NOT me! So, if you are one who can not or will not forgive yourself, just TRY IT. Remember “Fake it ‘till you make it?” Yes, really try faking it.
If faking it one time does not work, do it again…..and again…..and soon you WILL MAKE IT! Remember that we are all Spiritual Beings living in a Spiritual Universe that is Governed by Spiritual Law.
We are also individualized expressions of God and One with ALL that exists. Forgiveness is a sacred act. So, forgive yourself and don’t wait. Do it NOW! Thank you, God!
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