Spirituality and how to enjoy a life that is Too blessed to be stressed

How things have changed since I found the program of Alcoholics Anonymous! It very quickly introduced me to Spirituality. I had not had what I considered good experiences with organized religion. It helped me to rather quickly change from a very self-absorbed, very large, very angry, very violent, well-armed, well-trained man with no real friends and a family that feared him. Now, I am a man who loves everyone and can’t hide this fact. One who absolutely loves letting people know that they are loved. One whose family loves him and regularly shows it. One whose sense of humor has done a 180, changing from one that usually joked by putting people as the butt of the jokes to not harming anyone. One who changed from one that thought that I would never have fun again because everything that I had done had drinking involved – fishing, golfing, riding my motorcycle. The change was into one that not only thoroughly loved doing the same activities but also to actually doing them much better.  I was able to make this transformation completely, after faking it until finally making it, by totally buying into the spiritual portion of the program. This was where and when I was introduced to the teachings of Emmet Fox. I actually sometimes felt like I was overdoing it and evolved further and changed into being comfortable with it and wanting to do even more. From one with no religious or spiritual training coming into the program to embracing the concepts and ideas of working the shortened version of Step 3 which merely means saying “God help me.” This allowed my Higher Power to handle the heavy work and therefore allowed me to simply carry on and enjoy being blessed with this life. I now know for a certainty that one gets out of life just only what one puts into it, the old mirror imaging. What about you? Do you really want to be Happy, Joyous, and Free? The answer is clear to me – just embrace this very simple program that is made for complicated folks and let the good times roll! This is exactly how we get the Promises. So, COD, Come On Down!