Social Distancing Doesn’t Apply To God

so keep Him close.

Social distancing
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Before entering the Program Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) I had no religious or spiritual background. I had been told many times that I was going to Hell for what I had done.

“Jim, God’s going to get you for that!” Seemingly, no matter what “that” was. My God from this time was a punishing, judgemental “Man” sitting on a golden throne “up there in heaven” looking down on me and pointing His finger at me.

I didn’t like this God, let alone love and go to for assistance. Ever think the same way? If yes, there is hope for you. If not, you are truly blessed!

I wanted nothing to do with this God and so never thought about Him or It at all. That is until I was in a spot and didn’t know how to get out of the pain. Then would come the “foxhole prayer.”

“God, get me out of this and I will never do it again.” Then He would get me out of it and I would, of course, do it all over again. Or He wouldn’t get me out of it and I would think that this was further evidence of God not being there for me.

Religion was not completely foreign to me. I had heard my share of preachers, ministers, and reverends speaking from the pulpit and what I believed that I was hearing was usually a plea for money for this or that project of the church.

I don’t recall hearing about a loving, guiding God that was ready, able, and willing to help me, if only I were to ask for it. And, since our perception is our reality, I believed that this was what religion was all about.

I wanted nothing to do with this religion. So, when I was introduced to AA for the 1st time, I heard the meetings being opened with The Serenity Prayer and closed with The Lord’s Prayer.

I heard and saw God referenced regularly, including in the 12 Steps of Recovery. I quickly said that I didn’t want to join any religious group. A half dozen of the members who met me when I first attended what became my Home Group laughed at me!

Actually laughed and told me to sit down, shut up, and listen. And, for some reason, I actually sat down, shut up, and listened. I was told that this was not a religious program but was deeply spiritual.

Now, it was my turn to laugh. I accused them of playing with words because I saw no difference between religious and spiritual. This was when I was the recipient of my first taste of loving-kindness.

Now, I had known some of these men from when we were all in the madness together. They had been just as mean, angry, not caring, and violent as I had been. When they told me to sit, shut up, and listen, they TOLD ME that they were going to be my sponsors.

Then they told me their perception of the difference between spirituality and religion. They said that religions are and always had been man-made. They then said spirituality was Divinely inspired.

They said that religion had us believe that God was “up there in heaven” and Satan was “down there in hell.” Ever notice that when many speak of God or heaven, they point up? And when speaking of hell, they point down?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Moving on, these men said that spirituality has God being in our own hearts. That made God a personal Power. One that can be felt. Felt? I asked. Yes, they replied.

Ever get a warm feeling or vibe when something really FEELS right or good? Bingo! Spirituality tells us that if it FEELS right, it IS right. If it FEELS wrong or bad, it is time to reconsider.

So, what does this have to do with Social Distancing? When the pandemic governed the thinking of many of the powers that be in governments worldwide. social distancing became a reality for most of us.

We were told to stay in and, if out in the public, to keep at least six feet away from others. Checkout lanes in stores even had markers on the floor spaced six feet apart to show us where to stand in line.

This is where God and social distancing come into play. Much religious training tells us that God is “up there” and not up close and personal. This is why I love the spiritual thought that God is personal.

My God is in my heart 24/7/365. This is how He knows just what I am thinking at all times. Just like Santa, huh? I don’t have to keep God at any distance.

Infact, I talk with my Higher Power all of the time. When in the car, just like a friend on the seat next to me. When I am alone in the car, it must look like I have lost it and am talking to myself.

I am, in fact, talking with my Higher Power who I choose to call God. Talking as if He were a friend riding along with me. Guess I might as well say, He is a friend riding along wherever I am.

This way, when a snag in life comes up, I can easily say “God. help me.” More importantly, I can say “Thank you, God,” for helping me with the many close calls that I may encounter during the average day.

What do you think? I am interested to know what you think of this difference between religion and spirituality. Do you agree? Great! Do you disagree? Great! Please let me know in the comments what you think. I am interested in knowing! Thank you, God!

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